Warmer days are afoot and that means more time in the sun for most of us. We all know how important protecting ourselves from harsh rays of the sun is, but can CBD really help? Here at Panacea Life Sciences, we have a range of wellness-enhancing products that contain CBD. We are committed to bringing the best information to our customers, so, although we currently do not carry CBD sunscreen/aftercare products, we still want you to be fully informed. Let’s dive into what potential benefits CBD has for sun exposure so that you may have a healthy and happy summer that you deserve.
CBD? What is it?
Let us start with the basics. What is cannabidiol or more well known as CBD? CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis sativa plant. When extracted properly CBD has been known to possibly create great wellness benefits. CBD has just come out of the woodwork as it has taken the “back seat” to another Cannabis sativa cannabinoid – THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. It is highly likely that you have heard of THC as it is the main component in the marijuana plant (a version of the cannabis sativa plant). This component is the psychoactive of the two cannabinoids. THC gives users a “high” or sense of euphoria when used. CBD does not get one “high” and this is a very common misconception. CBD is legal throughout the United States as of 2018 with the Farm Bill. This bill gave hemp farmers, specifically, the right to farm hemp plants throughout the states. The hemp plant is a version of the Cannabis sativa plant that has a high amount of CBD and a lower amount of THC (less than .3%, actually) which is so low that one cannot get high when used. With this being said, marijuana containing high amounts of THC is legal in a certain number of states. For medicinal purposes and even for recreational use as well (you must be at least over 21 to use THC for fun). For the purpose of this blog post – we are talking about CBD, not THC.
CBD Products + The Sun
Now that we understand what CBD is and what it is not, let’s get into the nitty gritty. CBD products and the sun? Currently, there are not many studies on this specific topic. There are products that are for before and after care of the sun. There are sunscreens available as well as lotions, salves and creams (we have these) that may be used for after care. The main reason that CBD and the sun have been linked together is because of the benefits that have been shown when CBD is used on the skin. What are the benefits of a topical CBD product? There are multiple types of CBD topicals including lotion, salves, creams and even hand sanitizer. Topicals can also be a boon for skin-based conditions. You can read more about CBD Topicals for Psoriasis here.

This study used multiple categories to test the skin before and after the use of CBD topicals. It used an elasticity, a hydration, and a transepidermal water loss test. Support from this was found in photographic evidence from the study. They found that the administration of a topical CBD ointment may be a positive way to improve skin health for those with or without skin conditions. So, what about sun products containing CBD? There are after care products, such as lotions that would assist post-sun exposure. When one is out in the sun the rays eliminate moisture in the skin – therefore leaving the skin try and susceptible to aging. Using a CBD moisturizer is a great holistic way to get the moisture back into the skin where it belongs. When it comes to sunscreen there are different opinions. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) warns users about the dangers of the chemicals added into most sunscreens and the impact they have on the environment. If your CBD sunscreen contains non-nano zinc as a chemical blocker – you may be having less of an impact on the environment. It should be noted that the FDA has not said these chemical blockers are unsafe. Click here for what the EWG found.
What else can I use for post-sun exposure?
The list of after sun care is long and wide. Your accessibility and your preference is what should guide you to the perfect post-sun skin health. Here is what we found:
- Aloe vera – this is one of the most common post-sunburn treatments but can also be used for regular sun exposure. Most aloe vera is natural and has a wonderful cooling sensation when applied to hot skin. It is also moisturizing which is the best thing for your skin post-sun, as stated before.
- Coconut oil – this way of assisting skin after sun exposure may seem odd, but it really helps! Whether or not it helps treat sunburns is unknown, but it moisturizes the skin and that may help with peeling or itching.
- Shea butter – another great source of moisture and it is natural too! It is an anti-inflammatory, full of antioxidants and anti-bacterial. Shea butter even has minuscule amounts of SPF (3 to 4, so make sure to still wear sunscreen).
These are just three of some natural ways to help retain the moisture back into your skin after sun exposure. There are also multiple natural ways to help heal sunburns. Some of those are:
- Cool water – in a nutshell a sunburn is inflammation of the skin and cool water helps the inflammation go down, so, jump back into the pool!
- Baking soda and oatmeal – take a (cold) bath with these two ingredients to help soothe red skin.
- Aloe vera – as stated above, this is a very common practice. If you don’t have a plant in-house, purchase a 100% aloe gel.
- Chamomile tea – chamomile has soothing properties as well. Brew some up, let it cool and apply it to the burnt area.
- Vinegar – some say this works, others not so much. Adding a few cups to a cold bath is supposed to take the sting out of the burn. Try it on a small area first to see if it works for you, if it does, have a nice bath!
Are there other uses of CBD?
Absolutely, there are many other uses of CBD. Besides skin health there are many other uses for CBD. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a few different types of medication that contain CBD. There are three that assist cancer patients who have nausea: Marinol (dronabinol), Syndros (dronabinol) and Cesamet (nabilone). Epidiolex, a pure CBD medication, helps treat and prevent seizures in those who have Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.
CBD has also been described to have anti-inflammatory properties. Panacea Life Sciences conducted a study where pet owners gave their dogs who had osteoarthritis CBD daily. These owners told us that their dogs had improved mobility!
An overall sense of calm has also been reported for those who have used CBD. Whether or not a person has feelings of anxiousness throughout the day or if you have trouble calming the mind before bed, CBD may assist you. This study investigates rats who have feelings of helplessness and anhedonia. It concludes that the rats that were given CBD experienced fewer of those feelings.
Other CBD Products
Besides the noted products above (CBD topicals) what other products are out there? Here is a list:
- Tinctures – this type of CBD intake is one of the easiest and one of the most effective because of how quick it gets into your system. A tincture is an oil like substance that is generally placed under the tongue and gets into the bloodstream from there. Some people aren’t too fond of the earthy taste but that can be masked by drinking your favorite juice after.
- Softgels – Softgels are CBD in a pill form. These can be taken daily and go through the digestive system to land into the stomach, from there they are broken down and then find the bloodstream through the stomach lining.
- Tablets – tablets are much like tinctures in the way that they enter the bloodstream. Through the mouth after being dissolved.
- Edibles – this type of CBD product is similar to softgels but instead of swallowing a pill you are able to taste something yummy before it travels to the stomach. Then off to the bloodstream it goes. Softgels and edibles take longer to feel effects but are described to last longer than tinctures.
- Vapes – we here at Panacea Life Sciences do not advocate for the use of CBD vapes, but it is an option. CBD vape is inhaled and then collected into the bloodstream by the lungs.
So, CBD and the sun?
Hopefully having read all of this information you feel more informed on CBD and the sun as well as everything surrounding CBD. CBD topicals may be a great way to help re-moisturize your skin after those hot summer days. However, CBD sunscreen has not been tested much so, be wary of claims. Drink lots of water and enjoy your summer!