It is likely that you have heard of multiple ways to assist with discomfort in your day to day life. There are over the counter medications that may or may not cause other symptoms. There are essential oils that really do not have any proof of working at all. We are here to help you with the specific holistic way.
CBD (or cannabidiol) may be helpful at easing discomfort. There is a high possibility that our readers have heard of CBD in some way or form. And that is great! But, have you heard of CBD gummies? This is a fun and easy way to get CBD into your system to assist in managing discomfort. First, let’s start from the beginning, what is CBD?
What is CBD? What is it not?
The first thing to understand about CBD is what it is and what it is not. CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. This cannabinoid in particular is often confused with the cannabinoid THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. THC and CBD are often found together but do not do the same thing. THC is the cannabinoid that gets users “high” when used. CBD, however, does not have the same effect. There are many different described benefits that CBD has to offer, and it will not get you ‘high’.

There are several variations of the Cannabis sativa plant. One being the hemp plant. In 2018 the Farm Bill was passed. This allowed farmers across the country to grow and sell the hemp plant. The hemp plant has high amounts of CBD and to be deemed a hemp plant must have at or less than .3% THC. All the while in certain states they have legalized the growth and use of the marijuana plant. This variation contains higher amounts of THC. Some of these states have legalized the use of THC for medicinal purposes as well as recreational purposes.
CBD for discomfort
Let us first talk about discomfort and CBD in general, then we will add the more talk about gummies in particular.
Can CBD help with easing discomfort? Here is what we found. This study used a CBD spray and a placebo to get their results regarding CBD and discomfort. These patients suffer from neurological pain. Those who were given a placebo did not get the same results of those who were given the CBD spray. They concluded that those who were given the CBD had improved sleep quality, improvements in discomfort and the severity of their conditions were lowered. This is great news!
We here at Panacea Life Science have also conducted a bit of our own research. We chose to research CBD effects on age-related movement disorders in man’s best friend, dogs! We had owners of pets with visible movement issues administer CBD into their daily lives. The results were quite positive. Our pet owners reported more mobility in their dogs. These dogs were more mobile after being given CBD. What does this mean? Their joint health was improved and as a result were able to return to normal canine activity such as running, climbing stairs, and jumping into cars to go for a ride with their owners. In short, the owners reported that their dogs had an increase in their quality of life.
CBD gummies
There are several types of CBD products available. Gummies are just one of them. CBD gummies are a type of edible CBD. They are made like any other gummy but add CBD into each piece. CBD gummies are very popular in the CBD world because they are an easy way to get CBD into your system daily.
Here at Panacea Life Sciences, we offer Cherry Bomb CBD gummies. Our gummies are vegan, made from organic ingredients, THC free, and, as you can tell, cherry flavored. Each gummy contains 20mg of our THC free, pure hemp oil formula.
Now that we know what CBD gummies are, do they provide health benefits? With any CBD product there is a possibility of a wide range of health effects. With that being said it is important to note that CBD edibles have a lower bioavailability. This means that the CBD will take longer to feel and may take a larger concentration to achieve desired benefits. This is because the edibles must be chewed, swallowed, and then go through the digestive system to reach the stomach. From the stomach the edible is broken down and then the CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach lining. This does take a bit longer than other types of CBD, but edible CBD has been described to last longer. So, what does this mean in terms of discomfort? It all depends on the type of discomfort you have. If you want longer lasting relief a gummy may be the best option for you.
What other CBD products are there besides gummies?
There are plenty of other CBD products available that are not gummies. Here is a list:
- Soft Capsules: Soft capsules or soft gels are CBD are dissolvable capsules full of CBD. These are swallowed and then go through the digestive system to reach the stomach. Then it is broken down and the CBD is absorbed through the stomach lining and into the bloodstream.
- Tablets: These tablets are placed in the mouth and dissolved from there. As they dissolve in the mouth the CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream from there.
- Tinctures & Oils: These types of CBD are very similar to tablets in the way they reach the bloodstream. This is one of the fastest ways to get CBD into the bloodstream.
- Topicals: Topicals come in salves, lotions, and even cremes. The CBD added into these topicals never reaches the bloodstream. However, they have been described to give benefits from the pores of the skin. These work best when used liberally and often. CBD hand sanitizer and CBD hand cleansing creme is also available.
Now that you know a bit more about CBD and the way it may manage discomfort, we hope that this will help you along your CBD journey. CBD affects everyone differently, so it is important to start with a small amount and work your way up until you feel the desired effects. As always, let us know if you have any questions or comments at [email protected]