Do you understand CBD? Know what it is? How it is used? You’ve probably read, heard, or have been in a conversation pertaining to the topic of CBD or at least heard it talked about. Whether researching it for yourself, a friend, a family member, or a furry friend, CBD has been a hot topic among folks who prefer a more holistic approach to life’s affairs. There is still little research on CBD oil and CBD hemp oil, but when looking to administer CBD, reading all that you can about the product and where it comes from is important. The difference between CBD oil and CBD hemp oil is not immense but important when searching for a CBD product. In this article, Panacea Life Sciences will explain what CBD is, what is CBD Hemp oil, why one would use CBD oil, the differences of CBD products, and other useful topics to assist you in your CBD expedition.
What is (cannabidiol) CBD?
CBD or cannabidiol is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant. It is the non-psychoactive component that many confuse with THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. This cannabinoid can be extracted separately from the THC and isn’t going to inebriate a user. There have been few studies, but many accounts of positive reactions from users of CBD for different purposes. CBD can be extracted from Cannabis plants, but these plants contain a higher percentage of THC. The hemp plants that are used to make CBD products must contain .3% THC or less. That limit is legally enforced in all 50 states, except for ones with recreational marijuana laws. CBD has been reported to assist certain health issues in a more holistic way. CBD reacts with a user’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS) a series of receptors and enzymes that can create potential positive effects on various regulatory processes of the body. But wait a minute, is CBD even legal?
Is CBD legal? What about THC?
This question is important to answer as there is a general misconception about CBD and whether or not it is legal. The two main cannabinoids of the cannabis plant are CBD and THC. These two are often not separated and not understood to be different. But they are! CBD does not give psychoactive effects to those who use it. Because of this, THC is not considered federally legal. In 2018, the Farm Bill gave farmers the ability to grow hemp in all 50 states. Hemp is defined by the percentage of THC it contains. To be classified as hemp, a cannabis plant contain no more than .3% of THC. So, yes! CBD is legal. If you live in a state that has recreational use of THC, it is important to check labels to make sure that you are getting CBD from a hemp plant, not marijuana, if you wish to be sure that there is less than .3% of the THC cannabinoid.

What is the difference between CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)?
This is likely the most researched question surrounding CBD, because there is a lot of misinformation out there. CBD and THC are two of the cannabinoids that are derived from the cannabis plant. CBD is often reported to give a sense of calm and THC has a psychoactive effect. There are a handful of states that allow the use of medical marijuana as well. That is the biggest difference between THC and CBD, THC creates the “high” effect and CBD does not produce a “high” effect but may provide a plethora of health benefits. Both of these compounds are utilized by the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) but make the body and mind feel differently.
Why should I use CBD? Are there real benefits?
There are plenty of reasons a person might be interested in using CBD. Here are a few:
Anti-inflammatory traits – CBD has been reported to reduce joint inflammation in many studies. This includes a study done by Panacea Life Sciences that tested dogs with Osteoarthritis. This study reported increased mobility in dogs whose owners administered a certain amount of CBD. You can read more about our study here.
Epidiolex- Some of the benefits for reducing seizure frequency and intensity are being used in conventional pharmaceuticals. Epidiolex is known as the only FDA-approved supplement that contains CBD. Epidolex is used to treat Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome which are two types of harsh epilepsy. This treats seizures and is approved to be administered to children and adults two years old and older.
Mental wellbeing- In this study, they found that CBD assisted rats with managing feelings of helplessness and anhedonia (the loss of interest in activities that gave feelings of pleasure or happiness before). We can infer that this would give an over sense of mental wellbeing.
Sense of calm – CBD has been reported by users to assist those who may have an increased sense of anxiousness caused by day-to-day activities. Reviews and reports from CBD users and administrators say that CBD helps them to feel calmer.
Skin health – This study tested skin health across many indicators before and after the use of CBD. It measured elasticity, hydration, and a transepidermal water loss test. Support from this was found in photographic evidence from the study. They found that the administration of a topical CBD ointment may be a positive way to improve skin health for those with or without skin conditions.
What is CBD Hemp Oil?
Marijuana and hemp are strains of the plant Cannabis sativa. CBD hemp oil is generally extracted from the hemp plant. It is important to know the difference between the two plants, because the marijuana plant is not legal in all states and those products are not available everywhere. Make sure to check the labels on CBD products to see what type of cannabis oil is in it. Cannabis oil and CBD oil have varying amounts of CBD and THC. Cannabis oil is known to have more than the .3% of THC that the hemp plant does. CBD hemp oil is derived from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. Cannabis oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of marijuana plants. After extraction, the CBD or cannabis oils are formulated into different types of products. CBD hemp oil, in any form, will not get those who take it “high” whereas cannabis oil has higher amounts of THC and is more likely to get users “high.”
Are there different types of CBD oil?
Yes, there are different types of CBD oil! One may be better tailored to you and your needs. There are three major types of CBD oil. Here is a break down:
- Broad-Spectrum: this type of CBD oil does not contain THC, but contains all other cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.
- CBD Isolate: this type of CBD oil isolates the CBD from all other compounds of the cannabis plant.
- Full-Spectrum: this type of CBD oil contains all cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. This includes THC but uses less than .3% by weight.
It may be beneficial to keep these three types of CBD oil in mind as you shop for the right oil for you. It is important to note that a CBD oil that is labeled full-spectrum still does not have the ability to create a “high” in users.
What are the different types of CBD products?
There are various types of products that contain CBD. Choose a product based on how you intend to use it. Other CBD products besides oil include:
Softgels or capsules: Instead of using an oil that directly leads to the bloodstream through the mouth, softgels or capsules are available to take orally. After taken orally they are broken down by the stomach and then enter into the bloodstream through stomach tissue. This is an easy way to get a daily, accurate intake of CBD. This way of taking CBD lasts considerably longer but takes longer than a tincture to begin.
Edibles: This way of using CBD is similar to a softgel or capsule. You can add CBD oil to your favorite snack or try out gummies for a daily ingestible. This way also takes longer to feel the effects, but, lasts longer also.
Balms: The skin has the lowest bioavailability therefore when using a CBD balm or salves it is imperative that the use is consistent to get the full benefits. Apply allover for a full effect or in one area to reap the benefits of localized skin maintenance.
Vapes: Although Panacea Life Sciences does not endorse the use of vapes, it is an option for CBD use. This way of using CBD has the highest rate of absorption as it is directly entering in the bloodstream via inhalation. That being said it is important to note that the effects are shorter-lived and there have been reports of injuries associated with vaping.
Are all CBD products created equal?
The short answer to this question is no. Not all CBD products are created equally. This is because often products are not created in the same way. Like we have previously stated, there are different types of CBD and they can come from different sources. It is crucial to read about the product before purchasing it. There may be lingering or harmful ingredients in a CBD product. The quality of a product can create a positive or negative experience for users. Here at Panacea Life Sciences, we test our products extensively to assure the highest quality for our customers. Some of these tests include: a third party classification test, potency test, toxin test, microbe test, terpene test, and solvent test. You can read more about these tests here and use the QR code on the back of our packaging to view the third party lab test performed on your Panacea product.
Who can use CBD Hemp Oil?
Furry friends, people, and possibly children can use CBD hemp oil. There has yet to be many studies done on CBD as the main focus has been on THC instead, because of the psychoactive effects it exhibits. We recommend speaking to a veterinarian or a healthcare provider before partaking of any type of CBD. There may be interactions when CBD is taken with some types of medication. There have been reports of CBD assisting in joint mobility in canines. People report positive benefits as well.
Where can you get CBD Hemp Oil?
The places one can purchase CBD hemp oil depends on where you live and the type of access you have. There are many different online retailers that provide CBD oil. To choose an online retailer may be a daunting task because there are so many. It is imperative to do your research before purchasing any CBD hemp oil. Like we stated earlier in this article, not all CBD is created equal. Besides online retailers, there are also storefronts that provide access to CBD products of all types. The in-person treatment may be useful to some. If you live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, you may find CBD products at dispensaries. Make sure to look at the THC amount to ensure that it is the right fit for you and your situation.
We have covered a mass amount of information on CBD hemp oil and hope that you now feel comfortable continuing on your journey with CBD. To reiterate, CBD is the non-inebriating aspect of the cannabis plant. There are multiple specific reasons to use CBD or you can use it to enhance your overall wellbeing. We have covered the types of CBD oil and what they mean, how to use it, and who can use CBD. As always, it is important to speak with a health care professional before taking or administering CBD. If you have any comments or questions on CBD feel welcome to email us at [email protected] or call us at 1 (800) 985-0515.