Gout can make life miserable for those who have the condition. It can make even the most basic of movements or lightest of touches awful. Luckily, there are plenty of resources out there for those with gout. But despite that, flare-ups can still happen. So, what are people to do?
A quick overview of gout
If you sought out this article, it is more than likely that you already know what gout is. But in case you do not, let’s talk about it.
Gout is a common form of arthritis. It is known for causing bouts of discomfort, inflammation, and redness in joints, but particularly in the foot, near the big toe. The flare-ups cause the joints to feel so tender that many consider it to be unbearable.

Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood creating urate crystals that settle in the joints. Uric acid is a byproduct from the body breaking down substances known as purines. Purines are found in the body as well as things like red meat, seafood, alcohol, and drinks made with fructose. If there is too much uric acid in the system, the kidneys cannot process it like they normally do. Instead they will produce urate crystals, leading to a flare up of gout.
There are many factors that are to be considered when looking at the development of gout. It can be caused by a diet with too much meat, seafood, alcohol, and/or sugary drinks. Family history as well as gender (it is more common in men than in women) both can play a role. It can also be caused by weight, certain medications, certain medical conditions, and recent injuries.
There are medications that may help keep the flare-ups to a minimum. But what do you do when the flare-ups happen anyway? This is where CBD may play a role.
Understanding CBD
Before we can begin to talk about the potential benefits that CBD offers those who suffer from gout, we need to talk about what CBD is.
There is a specific kind of chemical compound that is found in cannabis plants, like hemp and marijuana. This kind of compound is called a cannabinoid. There are over 113 different cannabinoids in Cannabis, and scientists believe that there are more to be classified. CBD is one of these 113 cannabinoids.
There is another cannabinoid that is arguably much more well-known than CBD. It is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is likely that you had heard of THC long before you ever heard of CBD. This is because THC is the psychoactive component of cannabis. That means that it is the cannabinoid that causes the intoxicating effect more often referred to as a “high.” Because they are often found together, many people think that CBD is also psychoactive. However, this is not the case. CBD does not cause any sort of high.
CBD is generally extracted from hemp rather than marijuana. This is important to note, because many people use those names interchangeably, when they are in fact, two distinct variations of the cannabis plant. Hemp is low in THC content, where marijuana has a high THC content. Hemp also has a higher CBD content. As you can imagine, extraction of CBD from hemp is much easier.
Another difference between the two is that hemp is legal in the United States. Marijuana, on the other hand, is still federally illegal. This legalization happened in 2018, because of that year’s Farm Bill. That year this agricultural bill included a provision that legalized the growing and selling of hemp, as long as it has a THC level of less than 0.3%. Marijuana is legal in a handful of states on some level (whether it is for medical or general use), however, it is still illegal throughout most of the country.
So, now that we have gone over what CBD is, let’s talk about what it may be able to do for gout.
What effect does CBD have on gout?
Recent years have an increase in research being done on CBD and its effects on different issues and conditions. Many of the studies have produced some interesting and very encouraging results. One particular area has been especially exciting, especially for those who struggle with gout. This area is CBD’s effect on inflammation and discomfort.
This study wanted to look at a specific kind of inflammation and the way it interacts with CBD. The researchers looked at how CBD affected inflammation caused by a lung injury. The researchers found the CBD had an anti-inflammatory effect on the injured lung cells.
Another study was aimed to understand what kind of effect CBD could have on glucose-induced cell inflammation. This is a common occurrence that can cause issues for those with diabetes. The researchers concluded that CBD was greatly able to reduce the inflammation in the cells that they were interested in.
Finally, this study focused on how CBD could help with inflammation caused by oxidative stress. This particular kind of inflammation shows up in a number of conditions. The researchers found that the cannabinoid had a strong positive effect on the inflammation.
All of these studies and many others show one very important thing: CBD may be able to help reduce almost any kind of inflammation. This could be a great help for those who struggle with gout, as inflammation is one of the symptoms. Reduced inflammation could mean reduced discomfort and better movement.
To get back to the original question of this article, it is unlikely that CBD could prevent gout. There is no research that suggests that CBD does anything to reduce the level of urate crystals in someone’s system. But as you can see, that does not mean that CBD does nothing for those with the condition. It may be able to help ease the discomfort caused by the flare-ups, but prevention is not likely. The main way to prevent gout flare-ups is with lifestyle changes. Eating healthy, nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in consistent exercise are the main ways to help keep flare-ups to a minimum.
How do I know how much CBD is the right amount for me?
Unfortunately, there is no straight forward answer to this question. This is because everyone has a slightly different reaction to CBD. Some people require a lot of the cannabinoid to get any sort of result, for others it only takes a little bit. But before we can start talking about how you go about finding out how much you need to take, we need to talk about the side effects.
Yes, CBD does have some side effects. However, they are not considered very serious, and they are normally associated with taking too much of the cannabinoid. So, what are these side effects? They tend to include things like nausea, fatigue, and a change in appetite. They can be avoided by making sure that you are not taking too much.
The process of figuring out the right amount of CBD for you can take a little while, but it is worth it. It can take a while because you need to experiment. If you are new to CBD or are trying a new product, start out by taking a low amount. Wait a while and see how it sits with you. If you are not having and negative side effects, but still are not getting the effect that you are looking for, then you can try taking more. However, that does not mean that you should keep taking an ever-increasing amount until you get the negative side effects. The lowest amount that gives you positive effects, without any negative is the right amount for you.
It is very important to know that CBD does not mix with all medications. There are some that the CBD may cause them to not work as well, or not work at all. If you are taking any medications, it is best to talk with your healthcare provider before you start taking any CBD. They should know whether or not the cannabinoid can mix with your medications.
So, will CBD prevent gout? Probably not. However, it could help reduce the discomfort that comes with the inevitable flare-ups. This, when partnered with a healthy lifestyle, could help gout go from being debilitating to completely manageable. It could provide a lot of relief to a lot of people.
Want to know more about CBD or check out some high-quality CBD products? Then you should explore the rest of the Panacea Life Sciences website. On our website we have a wide range of CBD products for just about everyone, as well as articles covering anything and everything there is to know about CBD. For instance, did you know that the FDA has approved CBD-derived medications to help manage seizure frequency and intensity in children? If you have any comments, questions, or concerns then feel free to contact us. You can do that through our site or by emailing us at [email protected].