In our modern world, we are obsessed with how quickly we can get things done, and that pushes us to look at the possibilities ahead. Because of this, you may be asking yourself, how can I get cannabidiol (CBD) into my system the quickest? We here at Panacea Life Sciences are here to help you. Our company is committed to giving you the best information possible regarding CBD and all things hemp. In this article we will attempt to give you all the knowledge that we have regarding this particular topic and therefore, giving you the power you need to choose the right CBD for you.
Important information to know:
There is much information that you should know before purchasing or starting your CBD journey. First, what is CBD?

CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. The Cannabis sativa plant is a plant that comes in different forms. One of those being the hemp plant and like we stated before, we know all about hemp.
The hemp plant became legal to grow and sell throughout the United States in 2018 with the Farm Bill. This is because the hemp plant contains high amounts of CBD, which, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), however, is the psychoactive cannabinoid that you have likely heard of. Hemp contains less than 0.3% of THC and therefore cannot give users that psychoactive feeling or what is generally known as a “high”.
The marijuana plant is another variation of the Cannabis sativa plant. This plant is well known because of its high amounts of THC. Because of these high amounts, marijuana is not federally legal. With that being said, it is important to note that some states have legalized the use of the marijuana plant for recreational and/or medical purposes.
Panacea Life Sciences uses the hemp plant to make our CBD products, so, if there is any trace of THC it is at the legal amount or lower.
What products are out there? Which is quickest?
There are so many products of different kinds out there for almost everything. So, what CBD products are available? Which one will start working the fastest?
Before we begin it should be noted that there is not a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Everyone that uses CBD knows that when and how it works is different for each individual person. But we are here to give you the facts about each product and then you can choose which seems the best option for you.
Vapes: We here at Panacea Life Sciences do not advocate the use of vapes, but it is an option for CBD use. This way of using CBD has a high rate of absorption as it directly enters the bloodstream via inhalation. Because the CBD gets right into your bloodstream, you feel the effects the quickest. This may be great for some, but, like inhaling anything, it could have negative effects on the lungs.
Topicals: CBD topicals are a bit different than the others as they tend to not ever reach the bloodstream. With that being said, you may be able to reap benefits from the pores on the surface of the skin. These are best used frequently and in the same area. They come in lotions, creams, salves, and hand sanitizers.
Tinctures: This type of CBD gets into the bloodstream quickly similar to vapes. When the dropper full of CBD is placed in the mouth it is absorbed into the bloodstream from the pores there. A tincture is an oil like substance that is added to carrier oil, like coconut or avocado oil. Some tinctures come flavored to mask the earthy hemp taste that some do not particularly enjoy.
Tablets: A tablet is placed in the mouth and dissolves there. It enters the bloodstream from the mouth as similar to how the tincture does. You can add amounts of CBD with a dropper, but tablets are made with the same amount every time making it easier to know how much CBD you are using.
Softgels: A soft gel is a capsule that contains CBD and looks similar to a pill or vitamin supplement. Once the capsule is swallowed it goes through the digestive tract and then ends up in the stomach. Once there the CBD is absorbed as the capsule is broken down. The CBD is absorbed by the stomach and enters the bloodstream from there.
Edibles: Edibles and soft gels are similar in the ways that they are able to reach the bloodstream. But instead of swallowing a pill you are chewing and eating, generally, a treat full of CBD. Edibles come in all sorts of different types. Gummies, cookies, and chocolate, to name a few. These are fun and yummy ways to get CBD into your daily routine.
To answer the burning question: which CBD products are the fastest? Tinctures and tablets are the fastest way to get CBD into your bloodstream and therefore to feel the effects. However, this should be taken with a grain of salt. These products may have you feeling the effects more quickly, but how long do they last? There is no sure way to know how long the effects of CBD will last on each person.
However, it has been described that the faster the CBD gets into your system, the shorter it lasts. With this being said, perhaps trying different types of CBD will help you understand which is best for you. If you are a CBD newbie, we recommend that you start with a small amount and slowly increase until you feel the desired effects.
Why should I use CBD?
Perhaps you have chosen a product in your mind and are ready to order, but why did you choose to use CBD? There are many answers and maybe you have multiple reasons you have chosen to start your CBD journey. Either way, here are some reasons people have started using CBD:
Skin health: Although CBD topicals typically do not get to the bloodstream this does not mean that they cannot assist in the health of your skin. In this study they concluded that those with as well as without skin conditions had improved skin health after the use of CBD topicals. They used several different tests to note before and after the use of a CBD topical. Their evidence was shown by photographic evidence.
Promote a sense of calm: Promoting a sense of calm in those who have feelings of anxiousness could be helpful to some. In this study, they used brain imaging to exam subjects who have SAD (social anxiety disorder). Those who were given the CBD showed a decrease in their social anxiety disorder via brain scan imaging. Those who did not receive the CBD did not have any decrease and remained the same.
FDA approved medications: There are several FDA approved medications that contain CBD. Epidiolex is the most well-known. This medication assists those with two severe types of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. There are also a handful of others that assist those going through anti-cancer treatments and the nausea it may cause. These are called Marinol (dronabinol), Syndros (dronabinol), and Cesamet (nabilone). These medications can only be prescribed by a health care professional.
Anti-inflammatory properties: CBD has been researched for the possibility of joint health benefits. Panacea Life Sciences has done our own research regarding this aspect. We looked at dogs who are older and have joint health issues. During this study, we asked pet owners to administer CBD to their dogs two times a day for four consecutive weeks. The owners were to take a weekly test to show if anything had improved. At the end of the four weeks pet owners described their dogs to be more mobile. Therefore, the CBD may have helped with their joint health. Good news!
Antibacterial properties: There has been information coming to the front of the potential antibacterial properties of CBD. In this study they concluded that CBD had the capability to kill certain types of bacteria.
What to take away
So, what should you take away from reading this? CBD is used for all types of reasons. Maybe you knew one, two or even all of the reasons we listed. Maybe you had a different reason for taking CBD, either way we hope that you have learned all that you can. The ways in which you take CBD vary and how they get in your system varies from person to person. It is important to take it slow and then increase the amount you are taking to ensure that you are feeling tip-top!
We here at Panacea Life Sciences want to ensure that our customers are receiving the best quality CBD and CBD knowledge out there. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at [email protected].