There are plenty of holistic and natural ways to aid your joint health in your daily life. But, maybe, you have yet to hear about cannabidiol (CBD) and the potential benefits it has to offer regarding discomfort along with plenty of others. Let us first take a look at what CBD is and what it is not.
CBD: the basics
What is CBD you may ask? CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. There are different variations of the Cannabis sativa plant. This allows a variety of different strains and products. Two of the most important ones to remember are the hemp plant and the marijuana plant.
The hemp plant was legalized in the United States in 2018 by the Farm Bill. This bill allows farmers across the country to grow and sell the hemp plant. This is because it contains high amounts of CBD while having low amounts of THC.

THC? What is that? THC is commonly confused with CBD. THC (or tetrahydrocannabinol) is another one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. This component, however, is the one that gives users the “high” many speak of. This is also why the marijuana plant is only legal in a handful of states. In some of these states it has been legalized for medicinal purposes as well as recreational.
These two cannabinoids are often found together but can work without one another. There are products made that are 100% THC free. Be aware of products that claim to be CBD but have more than .3% THC in it. This is not legal unless you are in a state that has legalized marijuana.
Now, what can CBD do for you and your discomfort?
CBD and Joint Health
So, can CBD really help with increase movement and flexibility? Perhaps! In this study they used a CBD spray and a placebo to get their results about CBD and discomfort. These patients suffer from a type of neurological pain that makes normal movement very painful. The researchers concluded that those who were given the CBD had improved sleep quality, improvements in pain, and the severity of their conditions were lowered.
Then there is the CBD research we did here at Panacea Life Sciences. We took a look at CBD and our furry friends. We asked pet owners who have dogs with age-related movement disorders administer CBD to their pets. One of the symptoms of deteriorating joint health is a decreased ability to move normally, such as running or climbing stairs. The pet owners concluded that their animals had increased mobility. This means that they were able to move better with CBD and have an increased quality of life. You can read more about our study here.
What are the other benefits?
Other reasons to use CBD
There is a wide range of reasons that people have decided to use CBD in their daily lives. Here is a list of a few we have found:
- FDA approved medication: There are several FDA approved medications that contain CBD for treating human disease. Epidiolex is the most recently approved cannabinoid drug. This medication helps those with two severe types of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. There are also other medications that are used to help those going through anti-cancer treatments with the nausea that comes along with it.
- Promote a sense of calm: CBD has been described as promoting a sense of calm in those who have feelings of anxiousness. This is why people have often used CBD right before bed to calm any nerves they may have. Or they may use it in the morning to start their day without anxiousness.
- Skin health: Although CBD topical never reaches the bloodstream it does not mean that they cannot increase your healthy skin. This study shows that those with and without skin conditions had improved skin health after the use of CBD topicals.
Now that you know some of the reasons people choose to use CBD. What products are there?
Available CBD products
- Edibles – After swallowing the edible it travels into the stomach where it is broken down and the CBD is released into the bloodstream from the lining there. Edibles and soft gels take a longer time to work but have been described to last longer.
- Soft gels – Soft gels are shaped like a pill. These are taken orally and once it reaches the stomach, dissolves from there and is absorbed into the bloodstream by the lining in the stomach.
- Tablets – These are administered in the mouth and dissolve there. Then from the lining in the mouth are directly absorbed into the bloodstream. Like tinctures, this is one of the fastest ways to get the CBD into your system.
- Tinctures – A tincture is an oil like substance that is infused with CBD. This is generally placed in the mouth and from there is absorbed into the bloodstream. This is a great way to get CBD into your daily routine.
- Topicals – This type of CBD product comes in various forms. A topical can be found in a salve, crème, or even hand sanitizer. Topicals work best when used liberally and frequently. We offer CBD hand sanitizer as well as CBD cleansing creme that cleans as much as it moisturizes. Topical never enter the bloodstream but are absorbed into the pore in the skin to reap benefits.
- Vapes – Panacea Life Sciences does not endorse the use of vapes, but it is a way to get CBD into your system. It is inhaled then travels to the bloodstream from the lungs.
So, does CBD have possible effects on joint health? Possibly! It is important to start your CBD use at a low amount then slowly increase. Please feel free to contact us with an questions or comments at [email protected]