If you clicked on this article, it is likely that you have heard of cannabidiol (CBD) oil before, but may not know much about it yet. We here at Panacea Life Sciences are dedicated to two things: providing our customers with high-quality CBD absorbed through skin products and helping educate people on the growing world of CBD. It only made sense to us to give you an overview of CBD oil, one of the most popular and easy to find CBD products out there. So, let’s dive into it.
A definition of CBD
It is always best to start with the basics. In this case, it is defining CBD absorbed through skin in general.

CBD is a chemical compound found in cannabis plants. These plants include hemp and marijuana, but CBD absorbed through skin is more plentiful in hemp than it is in marijuana. CBD is one of over 113 different compounds found in the cannabis plant collectively referred to as cannabinoids. While CBD definitely is one of the better known cannabinoids out there, there is another cannabinoid that tends to steal the spotlight. That cannabinoid would be tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
You probably think that THC sounds familiar, and there is a reason for that. THC has gained a bit of an infamous reputation over the years because of the way it affects those who use it. It is psychoactive, which means that it a compound that causes the intoxication more colloquially called a “high.” It is important to remember that CBD absorbed through skin does not cause any sort of high, as it is not psychoactive.
As mentioned, there are two main kinds of cannabis: hemp and marijuana. When making their products, CBD manufacturers generally use hemp much more than they use marijuana. This is partly because (as hinted at above) hemp is rich in CBD, but low in THC. Marijuana tends to be the opposite. It is rich in THC, but its CBD levels are hard to pin down. These differences in cannabinoid content are also part of the reason why hemp is federally legal (with exceptions in a few states), and marijuana is still federally illegal (though some states have legalized it).
There have been many studies that have looked at CBD absorbed through skin and its potential benefits to those who use it. However, these studies are still rather new, so they and their results are still considered preliminary. But this should not discourage you, as their results are very promising. For example, there are many studies that have found encouraging results for the hypothesis that CBD may be able to help with joint health. Other studies have focused on CBD’s potential ability to help soothe a nervous disposition, and the researchers have found some interesting results. There have even been promising studies that have looked at if CBD could help with skin health.
A definition of CBD oil
Now that we have defined CBD let’s get a definition of CBD oil down.
In the most basic terms, CBD oil is CBD extract that has been infused with a carrier oil, like avocado or coconut oil. This makes it one of the simplest CBD products available. Many other CBD products include many other ingredients. CBD oils occasionally will have other essential oils to help with flavor or for other beneficial reasons. But in general, CBD oils are CBD and oil. These oils are usually sold in bottles with droppers built into the cap. This is how you measure out your CBD by carefully dropping out the desired amount.
One thing that draws people to CBD absorbed through skin oil is that you get a couple of options on how you can take it. One way is by essentially making your own CBD edible. This means that you use CBD oil in your cooking, preparing, or baking. This is a good option if you do not love the taste of your oil (the food you put it in will likely mask them hemp flavor). However, it does take a little while for the CBD to work when taken like this. This is because the food needs to breakdown enough for the CBD to be released so that it can enter the system.
The other way that you can take CBD absorbed through oil is much more direct. You simply place the desired number of drops in your mouth, preferably under the tongue. This is much faster than making your own edibles. This is partially because you do not have to cook anything, but also because the area under your tongue easily absorbs things. This way, the CBD can enter your system and get to work much more quickly.
Another thing that is important to know about CBD oil is that it comes in a few different forms. That is, there are different CBD extracts that can be used when they make the oils. One is called full spectrum. This is CBD extract that has everything that could possibly come out the hemp plant with the CBD. This includes THC (but the THC content is less than 0.3%, which is not enough to cause a high). Another kind of extract is a broad spectrum. This is very similar to full spectrum, but it does not contain any THC. Both full and broad spectrums offer something called the “entourage effect.” It is when compounds work together to build up a stronger effect. The last kind of CBD extract is CBD isolate. This is CBD sans everything else. This kind may produce weaker effects than full or broad spectrum products, but may be clearer than that of the other compounds.
There you have it, all of the basics of CBD absorbed through skin oil. Of course, there are many other CBD products out there and many more things to know about CBD. So, if you have any unanswered questions, then feel free to check out our CBD blog. There we have articles just like this, covering everything there is to know about CBD. If you are ready to give some CBD a try, check out our shop page. We have the highest quality products for just about everyone.