
What is the difference between CBD and CBG?

We here at Panacea Life Sciences talk often about cannabidiol (CBD), which is pretty understandable, considering that we are a CBD company. However, CBD is not the only component of cannabis that is worth our attention. That would be cannabigerol (CBG). But what exactly is CBG and how does it differ from CBD? Let’s talk about it.  

What is CBD? 

Let’s start with the one that you may be a bit more familiar with, CBD. 

There is a group of chemical compounds that are found in cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana generally known as cannabinoids. There are  over 113 that cannabinoids found in cannabis researchers have identified so far, with more that are likely to be found in the future. CBD is one of these cannabinoids. 

CBD is definitely one of the more famous cannabinoids and for good reason. There are many potential benefits that CBD may offer that have been looked at by researchers. As a result, it has gained in popularity in recent years. This popularity has led to a plethora of different CBD products available for people to purchase. They range from oils to edibles, and topicals to capsules. No matter what kind of product you may prefer, you can likely find a CBD product that fits your needs. 

But what are some of these benefits that CBD may provide? One common use for CBD is to help achieve a heightened sense of calm and manage a nervous disposition. Another use for CBD that you will often see is to help support joint health. There are even people who use it to fight acneOne particular area that has been looked at a lot is CBD’s effect on seizures. This area has been studied enough that there is even a CBD based medication called Epidiolex that is aimed at reducing seizures. 

What is CBG? 

Now it is time to answer the big question. What is CBG and what could it do?  

Much like CBD, CBG is a cannabinoid. One of the differences is availability. CBD is found in high concentrations in hemp and sometimes high sometimes low concentrations in marijuana. CBG, on the other hand, is found in low concentrations in pretty much every strain of cannabis. There are some that are being crossbred to produce more CBG, but for now, it is low enough to make the extraction and isolation of the cannabinoid a bit difficult. However, it is not impossible. 

When CBD, or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for that matter, is first extracted from the hemp plant, it is not in its ideal form, ready to be made into a CBD product, it starts out as cannabidiolic (CBDA). Then it is refined down into CBD. CBG goes through a similar process. It starts out as cannabigerolic (CBGA). Then it is broken down until it is just CBG. 

After reading the section on CBD, you are likely wondering if CBG has similar health benefits as CBDWell, the answer to this is maybe. CBG has not been nearly as popular in the research work as CBD or THC. So, there are not as many studies looking at what CBG may do. But that does not mean that there are no studies about the cannabinoid. Let’s talk about what some of these studies looked at and what they said. 

One study, that was published in 2008, was aimed at understanding CBG’s effect on glaucoma. This study was a review of several other studies that were testing glaucoma against cannabinoids. The researchers concluded that many cannabinoids, including CBG, could be helpful in reducing the damage done by glaucoma, with minimal side effects. 

Another study, published in 2013, wanted to see if CBG could be helpful in managing inflammatory bowel disease. The researchers induced colitis in mice and then tested their inflammatory rates. Then some of the mice were give CBG, while others where treated as a control. When the inflammatory rates were tested again, the researchers found that the mice that were given CBG had significantly decreased inflammation. 

One final study, that was published in 2008 as well, looked at the antibacterial properties of several cannabinoids. The researchers tested several cannabinoids, including CBG, against a particularly resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus. The researchers concluded that many of the cannabinoids, including CBG, were able to help stem the growth of the bacteria. 

These studies are not the only ones out there. There are still plenty that we did not cover in this article. That being said, there are still not as many studies out there that are focused on CBG as there are ones focused on CBD or THC. However, the results of most of the current CBG studies are promising. It is likely that as time goes on, we will see more of these studies pop up and we will understand the cannabinoid better.  

So, what is the difference between CBD and CBG. Well, the main difference is that their chemical make-up is a bit different and researchers expect that the differences between CBG and CBD will result in slightly different health benefits Another difference is that we understand CBD better than CBG. Beyond that, they are pretty similar. They are both found in cannabis plants and both have the potential to offer some health benefits. 

At the moment, there are few CBG products out there on the market. However, there are many CBD products. If you are interested in trying some then you are on the right site. Here on the Panacea Life Sciences website we have a shop page with many different CBD products. Our high-quality products are all made using locally sourced, organically grown hemp that adheres to the Food and Drug Administration’s guidelines regarding hemp and CBD products. We carry a wide range of products that could benefit just about everyone from yourself to your dog. So, why not give one a try?  

If you have comments, questions, or concerns that you need addressed, you can get ahold of a member of our team by emailing us at [email protected] or by visiting our contact page. 

PANA Pet™ Guide: CBD tablets for cats.

Cat Cannabidiol (CBD). Sounds fancy, right? CBD tablets for cats has grabbed the attention of many feline fanatics looking for alternative solutions to common issues. Since the 2018 Farm Bill, which effectively made the cultivation and manufacturing of the hemp plant legal, CBD has garnered widespread popularity in many markets, and the pet industry is just one of them. At a glance, it may seem that dogs have received the majority of the attention in this area, but as it goes, the market is meeting the people’s demands and finally catering to cats as well. 

But what exactly could CBD tablets do for cats? Is it safe? And most importantly, is it good enough for my precious? Any cat lover knows that cats are a whole different animal (pun intended) when it comes to pleasing your pet. They are intelligent, entitled, sometimes sassy individuals, each with their own unique preferences and demands—and we love them for it! 

So, I repeat, cat CBD tablets for cats—fancy? Yes. But is it fancy enough for your purrfect cat? Let’s find out. 

The Cat is Out of the Bag on CBD  

CBD has become a household name over the last couple years, and for good reason. Budding research has demonstrated a variety of potential benefits, and the everyday individual’s personal accounts appear to align with these findings. But what is CBD? 

Cannabidiol is a naturally occurring chemical compound derived from plants of cannabis genus. More specifically, it is 1 of over 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Marijuana is another plant that falls within the cannabis genusbut you probably already know this because of its controversial history related to another infamous cannabinoid: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Up until 2018, CBD was federally illegal, largely due to its association with THC. However, all of this changed with the legalization of hemp, another plant of the cannabis genus that is naturally high in CBD tablets for cats and low in THC. So long as a CBD product contains less than 0.3% THC, it falls within the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) guidelines.  

The major difference between the two cannabinoids is the way in which they interact with endocannabinoid receptor cells in our brain. Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) essentially allows these cannabinoids to interact with various receptors in the ECS and produce varying reactions. THC is psychoactiveIt binds strongly with the cells expression the cannabinoid-1 receptor (CB1R), producing what is commonly referred to as a “high.” CBD tablets for cats, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive. It binds very weakly with the CB1 receptor and does not produce a high. That being said, CBD certainly produces its own unique effects. After ingestion, people report feelings of calm and relaxation, as well as a positive lift in mood. This key difference is the main reason hemp was made legal by the USDA, and why we can all enjoy CBD and its many wonders today!  

The Cat That Ate the Cannabidiol  

Turns out, we’re not so different from out feline friends after allthey have an endocannabinoid system in their brain just like we do! This means that CBD tablets for cats can interact with their own endocannabinoid system, allowing our favorite furry friends to also reap the potential rewards this incredible gift nature has given to us. 

Before we dive in, it is important to know that scientific research has yet to find definitive proof to support any claims that CBD tablets for cats can be used as a medical treatment or cureHowever, preliminary findings support potential benefits, and more and more pet owners are reporting their own personal observations in the home. In particular, CBD has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, and a potential ability to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures, stimulate appetite, and relieve feelings of anxiousness.  

Poor joint health is a common condition in cats, and particular in older cats. Research on CBD has consistently seen promising findings on CBD’s potential ability to relieve discomfort and aches related to inflammation. A 2016 study on rats found that four days of receiving transdermal CBD tablets for cats patches helped reduce the rats pain, as well as the swelling in the treated areas. Another study found that CBD prevented the progression of arthritis and protected “the joints against severe damage” related to chronic inflammation. 

A nervous disposition is another common condition in cats. While our cats (unfortunately) cannot put into words their emotional experiences, there are reliable behaviors associated with anxiety. This includes increased or decreased activity, aggression, excessive meowing, loss of appetite, restlessness, and an increase in scratching behaviors. While the efficacy of CBD tablets for cats for anxiety in cats is largely based on personal accounts from pet owners, studies have demonstrated CBD’s potential ability to relieve feelings of anxiety in humans. Based on anecdotal support and preliminary research, it is possible that CBD may be able to help relieve your cats’ anxious behaviors, like aggression, restlessness, and loss of appetite.  

Seizures are an especially interesting topic when it comes to CBD tablets for catsEpidiolex was the first CBDbased medication to be approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of seizures associated with rare forms of epilepsy. Unfortunately, studies on CBD for the treatment of seizures in cats is sparse, so conclusions can only be (carefully!) extrapolated from research on canines and humansHowever, given that our cats have an endocannabinoid system similar to our own, it is possible that CBD may be able to help alleviate and maintain their seizures as well.  

Did Curiosity Kill the Cat?  

Now we arrive at what is arguably the most important question: is CBD safe for cats? In short, yes—and especially compared to pharmaceutical medications, which typically come with a longer and more severe list of side effects. Because CBD tablets for cats is 100% natural, it presents minimal risks, especially if you are vigilant and responsible when giving your cat the appropriate doses. Possible side effects include fatigue, increased thirst, decrease in coordination, decreased blood pressure, and slower heart rate. Mind you, many of these side effects make sense when looking at the particular ailments CBD may alleviate. A sense of relaxation and calm in a cat displaying feelings of anxiousness may look a lot like decreased activity and fatigue. Again, because research on CBD tablets for cats is only just beginning and we have yet to determine the long term effects, it is highly recommended and important that you speak with a veterinarian before deciding if CBD may be a viable option for your cat. 

What Is the Right CBD Wellness Products for Me?

Learning about the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) is one thing, but choosing the right type of CBD wellness products for yourself is a whole different ball game. As CBD consumption became legal in 2018, it has been gaining traction throughout the country as an alternative to pharmaceuticals. While scientists and experts are conducting specific studies and gathering more research about the effects of CBD and other cannabinoids, companies continue to manufacture more forms of this natural substance because of its ability to potentially offer numerous health advantages.  

From gel capsules and edible gummies to oral tinctures and topical creams, CBD wellness products can be found in dozens of different forms. Although its great to have all these options, its also overwhelming to choose the right product for your needs and requirements. Should I choose the mouth-watering advantages of CBD gummies? Or should I stick to the traditional oil drops? Or should I go for CBD cream? We have come up with this guide to help you figure out which CBD product is right for you. Lets have a look!  


CBD wellness products is one (of over 100) cannabinoid that is naturally present in the Cannabis sativa (marijuana and hemp) plant. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the other, more well-known, cannabinoid that is responsible for causing a high, as it contains psychoactive properties. Unlike THC, CBD does not cause any feeling of euphoria and may benefit many ailments in both humans and animals. Fortunately, CBD comes in several forms, so people can choose the one that is suitable for them. CBD may be a useful alternative for those with different health ailments and who depend on pharmaceuticals

EFFECTIVE FORMS OF CBD wellness products

CBD Tinctures and Oils  

Most tinctures are basically oils that are infused with CBD wellness products and put under the tongue with the help of a dropper. In olden days, tinctures were alcoholbased, but we can now find coconut/MCT oilbased tinctures that can be easily absorbed by the body. The area under the tongue consists of small tissues and narrow capillaries which rapidly absorb the compounds and offer quick relief. Individuals who cant take capsules or pills can go for this option. It quickly gets absorbed into the bloodstream. Also, holding the liquid under the tongue fastens absorption through the bloodstream as opposed to processing through the gastrointestinal tract. People prefer using CBD oil/tincture as its versatile and can be consumed accordingly. Some tinctures come flavored to mask the earthy Hemp taste that some don’t particularly enjoy. People often add tinctures to their morning coffee or tea!  

Try Panacea’s Oil Drops

CBD wellness products: Softgels

A softgel is a capsule that contains CBD oil and looks similar to a pill or vitamin supplement. Once the capsule is swallowed it enters the digestive tract where there the CBD is absorbed as the capsule is broken down. and the CBD and enters the bloodstream. This is an easy way to get CBD into your system daily and is easy to take along with other pills you may take.

Try Panacea’s Softgels

CBD Tablets

CBD tablets are little bit different and a great option for people who cannot or don’t like to take softgels. These tablets are consumed by placing them under your tongue (or just directly into your mouth, depending on the size of the tablet), and letting them dissolve. This way of taking CBD is more efficient because the skin in your mouth is thin, allowing the CBD to enter your bloodstream faster.  

Try Panacea’s F.A.S.T. or F.A.S.T. Extra

CBD Topicals     

CBD infused topicals are typically used for potentially assisting isolated areas of joint and muscle painMany CBD topical products may contain menthol, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus. This form of CBD may be perfect for people having general aches, soreness, pains, or arthritis. When applied topically, CBD usually is not absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream and instead absorbs through the pores. That way the CBD does its work in a much more localized area.  

Try Panacea’s Soothe Salve or Heating and Cooling Sticks

CBD Gummies  

Another popular form of CBD wellness products and CBD gummies. These gummies are infused with CBD oil and are delicious in taste. Not only that, they are also affordable and portable. Another excellent factor about CBD gummies is that there is no guessing-game involved; you know precisely what amount youre taking. Other CBD-infused edibles are chocolates, candies, and smoothies. However, edibles do have their downside. Like with CBD oil that has been mixed with food, the edible needs to digest before the CBD can take effect. As a sort of tradeoff though, the effects tend to last the longest out of all of CBD products.  

Try Panacea’s Cherry Bombs

CBD Transdermal Patches  

Just like other topical CBD solutions, you apply these patches directly on your skin. These patches may provide long-lasting relief to their users. Usually, you place these patches on the venous area of your body, such as your wrist. Again, because it’s getting absorbed through the pores of the skin, the CBD does its work in a much more localized area.  

Try Panacea’s Heating and Cooling Patches


When used appropriately, CBD is considered to be safe and does not cause any serious side effects, but there’s still a chance that you may experience a few minor side effects. These side effects can occur due to overuse of the CBD products, due to sensitivity to similar products, or by using sub-standard CBD products that may contain harmful elements. According to a study, the toxic dose of CBD is 20,000 mg, which is when the CBD is consumed all at once. To put that into perspective, most manufacturers recommend a starting dose of CBD around 5-20 mg/day and an entire bottle of CBD tincture only contains 100-1500 mg of CBD; meaning that you would have to consume 13-200 mg bottles of CBD tincture all at once to create the toxic dose of CBD

The World Health Organization states that CBD is a safe compound to consume that does not cause death. Also, keep in mind that the CBD impacts differ from person to person; hence, the toxic level of CBD may be higher or lower for you. Make sure to consult your doctor for the right dosage.  


It is highly recommended that you discuss it with your healthcare provider before consuming any of the products mentioned above. It is also essential to find out which CBD products are legal in your state. Make sure to always purchase products that provide thirdparty lab results and doesnt contain more than 0.3% THC. Use your suitable CBD product appropriately, and you will love the results.  

Pana Health CBD Dog | Why is there CBD for dogs?

Pana Health CBD Dog – Cannabidiol (CBD) seems to have made its way into any and every product that you can think of. You have probably already run into some CBD products that are designed for pets, especially dogs. Believe it or not, this is not as odd of a product as you may think. While the studies on CBD and its potential benefits have been mainly focused on people, there has been some research to indicate that Pana Health CBD Dog could be beneficial to everyone’s favorite family member, the dog. 

This, of course, raises many questions. That is understandable, as everyone wants to be sure that what they are giving their beloved furry friend is safe. So, we are going to go over what CBD is, how it may provide your dog with some relief, and if it is safe. Let’s get into it. 

What is CBD? 

We should start by covering the basics. Understanding CBD can help you understand how it may affect your dog. 

Cannabis plants contain a large group of chemical compounds that are known as cannabinoids. These cannabinoids are significant because they interact with a system of receptors known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). There are over 113 different cannabinoids that can be found in cannabis. And that number is likely to grow as researchers look into and understand cannabis better. CBD is a cannabinoid, and a famous one too. However, it is not as well-known as another fellow cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). 

THC probably may sound pretty familiar to you. This is because THC is rather infamous for its psychoactive effect. This effect creates an intoxication that is normally called a “high.” It is often used as a recreational drug by humans, but it is toxic for pets and you should avoid giving to your dog, as it is unclear what kind of damage it may cause. There is a misconception about CBD and THC. Many believe that because they are related, that means that CBD has similar, if not the exact same, sort of effects as THC. However, CBD is pretty different in the way that it interacts with the ECS, and as a result does not cause any sort of high or inebriation. 

There are two main variations of cannabis. They are marijuana and hemp. The differences between these variations is based on their concentrations of CBD and THC. Marijuana contains high levels of THC and its levels of CBD are somewhat lacking. This has led to marijuana being federally illegal (with exceptions in some states). Hemp, meanwhile, is chock-full of CBD and only contains 0.3% THC. As a result, hemp is federally legal (except in a few states) and CBD manufacturers usually use hemp to create their products. They can even filter out the small amount of THC that is in hemp to ensure it is completely THC-free.  

How might CBD help my dog? 

As mentioned above, most CBD research has been focused on how the cannabinoid may benefit humans, not dogs. However, that does not mean that it cannot help dogs. Afterall, they have an ECS too. There are a few studies that have looked at CBD and dogs. So, let’s talk about those now. 

We here at Panacea Life Sciences helped conduct a study on older dogs, joint health, and CBD. We asked the owners of older dogs that had issues moving due to poor joint health to give their dogs 5mg of CBD twice a day. Then they were asked to fill out surveys about their dog’s movement, whether or not it improved, though out the timeline of the study. On top of all of this, the researchers also recorded videos of the dogs moving before and after the treatment. Most of the owners reported an improvement in their dog’s ability to move. This suggests that CBD could be very helpful in keeping dogs moving, even in old age. 

It is, unfortunately, not unusual for dogs to have nervous dispositions. This could be caused by poor treatment in the past, or they may just have separation anxiety. This may lead to dogs to bark a lot, to have unusual appetites, or even have issues with their bladders. So, many dog owners look for solutions where they can. CBD may be able to help offer some relief. This study looked at chronic anxiety in mice. Some of the mice were given CBD and their behaviors were observed. The researchers noted that the mice that were given CBD appeared to have a decrease in the anxious behavior. 

Those are just a few examples of what CBD may be able to help your precious pup with. As stated, there currently are not many CBD and dog focused studies. But seeing as the cannabinoid has become more popular in holistic veterinary circles, it is likely that we will is an uptick in studies in the coming years. This will be fantastic as we will be able to the better understand what CBD may have to offer our dogs. 

We should cover the safety of CBD for dogs. As there are not many studies on this subject, we cannot say for sure if CBD is completely safe for dogs. But the evidence of the above studies and other studies would suggest that it is safe when carefully dosed and monitored. However, when looking for a CBD product for your dog be sure to look for ones that are either CBD isolates or explicitly state that there is no THC in the product. As mentioned before CBD is toxic for animals, and you should avoid giving it to your dog. Be sure to talk to your vet before you start giving your dog CBD, especially if your pup is already on medication. 

So, to answer the main question of this article: why is there CBD for dogs? Because it may be able to provide our beloved pets with some much needed relief. You love your dog like they are family (let’s be real, they are family), so why not provide your dog with the care that they deserve? 

The basics of CBD Oil | CBD absorbed through skin?

If you clicked on this article, it is likely that you have heard of cannabidiol (CBD) oil before, but may not know much about it yet. We here at Panacea Life Sciences are dedicated to two things: providing our customers with high-quality CBD absorbed through skin products and helping educate people on the growing world of CBD. It only made sense to us to give you an overview of CBD oil, one of the most popular and easy to find CBD products out there. So, let’s dive into it.  

A definition of CBD  

It is always best to start with the basics. In this case, it is defining CBD absorbed through skin in general.  

CBD is a chemical compound found in cannabis plants. These plants include hemp and marijuana, but CBD absorbed through skin is more plentiful in hemp than it is in marijuana. CBD is one of over 113 different compounds found in the cannabis plant collectively referred to as cannabinoids.  While CBD definitely is one of the better known cannabinoids out there, there is another cannabinoid that tends to steal the spotlight. That cannabinoid would be tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  

You probably think that THC sounds familiar, and there is a reason for that. THC has gained a bit of an infamous reputation over the years because of the way it affects those who use it. It is psychoactive, which means that it a compound that causes the intoxication more colloquially called a “high.” It is important to remember that CBD absorbed through skin does not cause any sort of high, as it is not psychoactive.  

As mentioned, there are two main kinds of cannabis: hemp and marijuana. When making their products, CBD manufacturers generally use hemp much more than they use marijuana. This is partly because (as hinted at above) hemp is rich in CBD, but low in THC. Marijuana tends to be the opposite. It is rich in THC, but its CBD levels are hard to pin down. These differences in cannabinoid content are also part of the reason why hemp is federally legal (with exceptions in a few states), and marijuana is still federally illegal (though some states have legalized it).  

There have been many studies that have looked at CBD absorbed through skin and its potential benefits to those who use it. However, these studies are still rather new, so they and their results are still considered preliminary. But this should not discourage you, as their results are very promising. For example, there are many studies that have found encouraging results for the hypothesis that CBD may be able to help with joint health. Other studies have focused on CBD’s potential ability to help soothe a nervous disposition, and the researchers have found some interesting results. There have even been promising studies that have looked at if CBD could help with skin health.   

A definition of CBD oil  

Now that we have defined CBD let’s get a definition of CBD oil down.   

In the most basic terms, CBD oil is CBD extract that has been infused with a carrier oil, like avocado or coconut oil. This makes it one of the simplest CBD products available. Many other CBD products include many other ingredients. CBD oils occasionally will have other essential oils to help with flavor or for other beneficial reasons. But in general, CBD oils are CBD and oil. These oils are usually sold in bottles with droppers built into the cap. This is how you measure out your CBD by carefully dropping out the desired amount.  

One thing that draws people to CBD absorbed through skin oil is that you get a couple of options on how you can take it. One way is by essentially making your own CBD edible. This means that you use CBD oil in your cooking, preparing, or baking. This is a good option if you do not love the taste of your oil (the food you put it in will likely mask them hemp flavor). However, it does take a little while for the CBD to work when taken like this. This is because the food needs to breakdown enough for the CBD to be released so that it can enter the system.  

The other way that you can take CBD absorbed through oil is much more direct. You simply place the desired number of drops in your mouth, preferably under the tongue. This is much faster than making your own edibles. This is partially because you do not have to cook anything, but also because the area under your tongue easily absorbs things. This way, the CBD can enter your system and get to work much more quickly.  

Another thing that is important to know about CBD oil is that it comes in a few different forms. That is, there are different CBD extracts that can be used when they make the oils. One is called full spectrum. This is CBD extract that has everything that could possibly come out the hemp plant with the CBD. This includes THC (but the THC content is less than 0.3%, which is not enough to cause a high). Another kind of extract is a broad spectrum. This is very similar to full spectrum, but it does not contain any THC. Both full and broad spectrums offer something called the “entourage effect.” It is when compounds work together to build up a stronger effect. The last kind of CBD extract is CBD isolate. This is CBD sans everything else. This kind may produce weaker effects than full or broad spectrum products, but may be clearer than that of the other compounds.   

There you have it, all of the basics of CBD absorbed through skin oil. Of course, there are many other CBD products out there and many more things to know about CBD. So, if you have any unanswered questions, then feel free to check out our CBD blog. There we have articles just like this, covering everything there is to know about CBD. If you are ready to give some CBD a try, check out our shop page. We have the highest quality products for just about everyone. 

CBD Products Made for You & What does edibles taste like?

We are hopeful that you have heard at least something about CBD (cannabidiol). We also hope that what you have heard is positive and truthful rather than negative and a misconception. The entire health and wellness market is made up of products that claim to be right for you or to be made just for you! Well, we know that both of these cannot always be true. Some products may work for you, but not your partner, or it works for your entire family and doesn’t work out for you. CBD products are made for the general public, but that doesn’t mean it works for everyone the same way.  

In this post we will explain what CBD is & what does edibles taste like, what products are out there, and even the different ways that you can use these products. And, like always, we will debunk the misconceptions surrounding CBD and what it does and does not do. So, let’s begin.  

CBD: the nitty gritty 

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty of CBD. What is even CBD & what does edibles taste like?   

CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids that are found in the Cannabis sativa plant. The Cannabis sativa plant is a large plant that is found out in nature. Nowadays it is found in farms across the U.S. This plant is found in different forms. Two of those forms are likely something you have heard of. The hemp plant and the marijuana plant are their names. Let’s begin with the marijuana plant.  

The marijuana plant is more well-known as it has inebriating effects. These effects are caused by another well-known cannabinoid called THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol). This plant contains high amounts of THC. The marijuana plant and the use of THC is not federally legal. However, there are a handful of states that have legalized the use of marijuana and THC for recreation as well as medical purposes. It’s important to know the laws in the states that you live and travel in.   

Hemp is the variation that many have heard of but don’t likely truly understand. The hemp plant is a type of Cannabis sativa. Hemp contains both THC and CBD, like all Cannabis sativa plants, but the percentage of THC is at or lower than 0.3%. This percentage is not enough to give users the inebriating effect we talked about earlier. This being said, the hemp plant may benefit those who use it in different ways. Because of the high amounts of CBD in the hemp plant it is officially federally legal. Back in 2018, the Farm Bill was passed. This bill allows farmers across the states to grow and sell the hemp plant legally, with exceptions in certain states. And this is the reason that CBD is federally legal.   

So, now that you know the nitty gritty of CBD & what does edibles taste like. What products are available? Let’s dive in.  

Products for you, and everyone else 

There are so many products that are made just for you. Well, sometimes they may work for you, other times? Not so much. Most CBD products that you’ll find are made for the general public because, well, there is no reason to make a gender or age-based CBD product. The only truly specific CBD product is that of pet CBD products. Pets have different systems than us, so it makes sense to ensure their products match with them. On that note: make sure that any CBD products that you give your pets are THC free as THC can be harmful to them, even at the legal 0.3%.   

Okay, enough about your pets. Let’s talk about you. What products can you choose from? Here is a list of some popular types of CBD products: 

Vapes  While we here at Panacea Life Sciences do not advocate the use of vapes, as they are potentially harmful to their users, it is a form that you can find CBD products in. Vaping CBD is one of the quickest ways to get CBD & what does edibles taste like into your system. This way of using CBD has a high rate of absorption as it directly enters the bloodstream via inhalation. Because the CBD gets right into your bloodstream, you feel the effects the quickest. This option of using CBD can only be done by those who are old enough to purchase vapes. And like most inhaling products may cause lung damage.   

Softgels – A softgel is a capsule that contains CBD & what does edibles taste like oil and looks similar to a pill or vitamin supplement. Once the capsule is swallowed it enters the digestive tract where there the CBD is absorbed as the capsule is broken down. and the CBD and enters the bloodstream. This is an easy way to get CBD into your system daily and is easy to take along with other pills you may take. 

Edibles – Edibles come in all sorts of different types. Gummies, cookies and even chocolate any treat that you can think of, there is probably one full of CBD. These are fun and yummy ways to get CBD into your daily routine. Edibles are absorbed the same way a softgel capsule is. After being absorbed by the digestive tract, the CBD enters the blood stream 

Topicals – CBD topicals are a bit different than the others as they usually do not reach the bloodstream. With that being said, you may be able to reap benefits from the pores on the surface of the skin like other skincare products. These are best used frequently and in the same area as the face or a patch of skin. They come in lotions, creams, salves and even hand sanitizer for antibacterial purposes.  

Tinctures – This type of CBD & what does edibles taste like gets into the bloodstream quickly similar to vapes but without the inhalation. When the dropper full of CBD is placed in the mouth it’s absorbed into the bloodstream from the pores there. A tincture is a substance that is added to carrier oil like coconut or avocado oil. Some tinctures come flavored to mask the earthy Hemp taste that some don’t particularly enjoy. People often add tinctures to their morning coffee or tea!   

CBD Products: are they really for you?  

There are so many products that are geared toward one type of person. CBD? Well, that’s generally for all. When beginning to take CBD it is important to start slow and then increase until you are satisfied with the results. Speak to a veterinarian before giving CBD to your pet. It’s important to understand that not all CBD products will be best for you. Try out a few and see if they feel right for you. Perhaps you’re more of a Softgel person than an Edibles person. There is only one way to find out!  

CBD Gummies for Pain?

There is a good chance youve been curious about trendy cannabidiol (CBD) products and whether this natural compound is useful or not. In the United States, a large portion of the population uses CBD gummies for pain to help manage different health ailments.   

CBD gummies are tasty and flavorful, which is why most consumers prefer to take the CBD in gummy form. In this article, we discuss the benefits, legality, side effects, and more about CBD gummies. So, lets begin  

What Is CBD gummies for pain?   

CBD is a type of cannabinoid present in cannabis plants, like hemp. These plants contain 113 known cannabinoids, and this natural compound has received more attention after its legalization in the 2018 Farm Bill. Another well-known cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, which consists of psychoactive properties and causes a high or an altered state of pleasure, euphoria, or heightened sensory perception.   

When it comes to the CBD gummies for pain, it doesnt work like THC. In fact, CBD may provide some positive health benefits, such as supporting joint health and achieving a greater sense of calm without causing the high associated with marijuana useFor people who dont want to get high, CBD is the best compound for them. Due to its increased popularity and risen demand, manufacturers are now producing various CBD-infused products, including:   

What Are CBD Gummies?  

As mentioned above, CBD gummies are one of the CBD edibles which are tasty and come in different flavors and shapes. These CBD gummies are just like regular gummies; the only difference is they have CBD infused in them.    

CBD gummies usually contain a smaller amount of CBD than you might find in other CBD products, like CBD capsules and CBD tinctures. The reason is that one can consume multiple CBD gummies throughout the day according to their health needs. Some consumers take CBD gummies along with pharmaceuticals or other CBD products, while some find CBD gummies dosage sufficient for themselves.   

Health Uses and Effects of CBD   

Following are some of the benefits that the CBD gummies may provide:   

May Provide Neuroprotection  

Cannabinoids may have neuroprotective properties according to certain studies. CBD may perform several actions on the brain, including removing damaged cells and improving the efficiency of mitochondria. Moreover, CBD and some antioxidant compounds found in the cannabis plant reduce the toxicity of glutamate. Excessive glutamate stimulates the brain’s nerve cells, which ultimately leads to the death of brain cells. Therefore, CBD may help protect brain cells and keep them healthy.  

May Help Achieve a Greater Sense of Calm   

According to a survey, more than 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety on a daily basis. Studies have suggested that CBD oil may be an effective alternative, without causing any serious side effects. As CBD works with receptors in the brain, it develops mood-altering effects that may help the user achieve a greater sense of calm.   

May Support Healthy Inflammatory Function   

Another exciting benefit of consuming CBD is its potential ability to regulate inflammatory functions. The CBD may be able to minimize the painful symptoms of several human discomforts and help you have a healthy life.   

May Help Create a Healthy Sleep Cycle   

Several individuals can’t sleep at night due to several factors, like stress. In 2019, the Permanente Journal performed research that included 72 individuals with a sleeping disorder. Each participant was given a 25mg CBD dosage every day. After a month of this trial, 66.7% of people reported a good night’s sleep.   

Can You Get High from CBD Gummies?   

Both CBD and THC are naturally present in the Cannabis sativa plant. CBD can be entirely isolated from the THC compound and cannabis plant through the CO2 extraction method. Manufacturers add the CBD into oils, gummies, tinctures, and creams without infusing THC.   

Since both compounds come from the same plant, people usually assume that CBD causes the same effect as THC. In reality, the CBD is alone non-intoxicating and doesnt cause a high. Moreover, hemp-derived CBD is legally available in most of the 50 states. By law, these products must have less than 0.3% THC. This isnt sufficient for causing any psychoactive symptoms.   

After the extraction of CBD from the hemp plant, it can be added to many products, such as oils, gummies, lotions, and tinctures. CBD gummies are one of the most popular CBD products which are delicious in taste and can be taken easily.   

Also, consuming the CBD in high concentrations can result in uplifting effects. Its still not the same thing as getting high. All in all, the CBD doesnt cause a high or euphoric feeling. We advise you to read the dosage instructions mentioned on the product as well as talk to your healthcare provider about it.   

Does CBD Cause Side Effects?   

The World Health Organization has said that CBD is a natural and safe compound to consume. However, more research is required to understand the full spectrum of possible benefits and effects. Although it’s generally safe to consume, some individuals may experience side effects when CBD is taken at high concentrations. These side effects are:  

If you take any prescription medications, better consult with your doctor before consuming the CBD because it may affect some medicines’ benefits and cause unintended side effects.   

Types of CBD Gummies   

When looking for the right and best quality CBD gummies, most often you may search for a unique gummy shape or distinctive fruity flavor. There is more to consider when choosing CBD gummies, such as efficacy, extract type, and quality assurance.   

There are three most renowned hemp extracts, including full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, and isolate CBD. Each extract consists of a high concentration of the CBD, but differ in nutrients, capabilities, and quality.  

Full Spectrum   

This type of CBD gummies for pain includes extraction of the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant. It is also the least processed form of the CBD. Therefore, it contains over 100 cannabinoids and other cannabis compounds that work together to maximize the therapeutic effects.   

Broad Spectrum   

Broadspectrum is the newest extract available on the market and somehow is a combination of fullspectrum CBD and isolate CBD. It goes under a unique extraction process to remove THC and have all the CBD’s healthy cannabinoids.   

Isolate CBD   

An isolated CBD purely comprises the cannabidiol, CBD, and no other compounds. It is available on a larger scale as consumers can buy it at lower rates. Isolate CBD can often help products contain higher concentrations of CBD, yet this doesn’t matter if proper quality assurance (certifications and lab testing) measures haven’t proven its quality of the CBD. Most of the In the United States, a large portion of the population uses CBD gummies for pain to help manage different health ailments. available online are made of CBD isolate powder. It is the most commonly used CBD extract for CBD gummies as consumers usually don’t notice the type of CBD being used.   

Where to Buy CBD Gummies?  

If you are looking for the original and best quality CBD gummies, there are several platforms you can entirely rely on. They offer CO2 extracted, 100% natural, and non-GMO CBD products to every client – all you have to do is look for the right manufacturer.  

Final Thoughts on CBD Gummies   

When buying CBD gummies, it is crucial to choose a brand that uses thorough lab testing to analyze the complete cannabinoid breakdown of its products. Having access to the results from the lab test means that you can exactly see the quantity of THC in the chosen gummies. Once you know that there is no more than 0.3% of THC, you can enjoy the taste and results with confidence.   

What is CBG isolate used for?

You did not read that wrong! That’s right, what is cannabigerol CBG isolate used for? Now, it’s likely that you have heard of CBD (cannabidiol) as well as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). But CBG? This is another property that people are not as aware of, much like CBD used to be. What is CBG? What can you use it for? What about the legality of it? This article will go over all of your questions and likely answer more. Let’s begin with a few definitions. 

What is CBG?  

CBG is another cannabinoid that is coming to the forefront of the health and wellness community. CBG is found in the Cannabis sativa plant along with many other compounds. CBD and CBG isolate are similar to one another in the way that they both cannot get users high. CBG is also similar to CBD because there is little research available on what it can and cannot do.  

What is CBD?  

Cannabidiol is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant, like CBG isolate. CBD has been far more researched than CBG, but less researched than THC. Even though they are all found in the same plant. The Cannabis sativa plant is found in many different forms. The two that are the most popular and well known are the hemp and the marijuana plants. CBG, CBD, and THC are all found in both of these types. CBD, however, is in higher percentages in the hemp plant versus the marijuana plant. The biggest difference between the marijuana plant and the hemp plant is the legality of it. Marijuana has been legalized in a handful of states. The hemp plant, however, is federally legal (with exceptions in some states). In 2018 the Farm Bill was passed this allows farmers across the states to grow and sell the hemp plant. The hemp plant contains at or less than 0.3% of THC.  

What is THC? 

THC is another cannabinoid found in the Cannabis sativa plant. THC is the cannabinoid that most are familiar with because of the psychoactive effects it gives. Because of this effect, like we stated before, is the reason that THC and the marijuana plant are not legal in all places. However, some states have legalized the use for medicinal purposes as well as recreational purposes. Keep in mind the legality in the place that you live so you are sure to get the right products.  

How to use CBG: 

Much like CBD, there is very little research surrounding CBG. But here is what we do know: CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Therefore, there is no need to fear inebriation when using CBG. CBG isolate may also be used for the following purposes:  


Because CBG is not as popular as CBD or THC there aren’t as many products available that contain CBG and CBG only. So, when looking at products to purchase, we suggest you look for a full spectrum CBD product. Full spectrum products contain all of the known cannabinoids, including the legal 0.3% of THC. This way you are getting all of the cannabinoids the Cannabis sativa plant has to offer, including CBG. Here are some products to look out for that can be found in a full spectrum as well as other spectrums of the Cannabis sativa plant:   

 There is still much research that needs to be done regarding CBG and CBD. We here at Panacea Life Sciences want you to have the most up to date information. Keep in mind that CBG is found in full spectrum CBD products when looking for the right type for you. 

Are pure drops CBD Oil Side Effects Dangerous?

Pure drops CBD Oil is a natural compound that is increasingly rising in popularity. But do we know if the CBD is safe? CBD is a 100% natural cannabinoid compound present in cannabis plants. CBD does not induce any psychoactive effects of any kind, unlike its technically illegal sibling, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In other words, if you’re wondering if CBD is going to get you “high”, the answer is a definite no.  

However, while pure drops CBD Oil may be beneficial, as with many items we eat, there are possible side-effects. Fortunately, there are just a few unlikely side effects from CBD ingestion, like low blood pressure, dry mouth, suppression of hepatic drug metabolism, and fatigue. Below are the side effects that might possibly be present after using CBD oil. 

Side Effects of Consuming CBD   

Though CBD products are becoming popular worldwide, there is still misinformation related to CBD and its side effects. When consuming CBD, it is unlikely to cause any serious side effects or causes a euphoric sensation. Therefore, pure drops CBD Oil and its products are considered as one of the safest sources of cannabinoids. The fact, however, is that manufacturers sell pure drops CBD Oil in multiple forms, such as gel capsules, skin creams, edibles, and tinctures, which may lead to various side effects, depending on the way CBD is used. 

When Taken by Mouth  

CBD items are usually safe to eat, and the vast majority of individuals can ingest CBD oil without suffering adverse side effects. The same low risk of undesired symptoms occurs when CBD is taken by mouth or sprayed under the tongue. When it comes to side effects from oral pure drops CBD Oil intake, they can include lightheadedness, dry mouth, and dizziness. The FDA-approved Epidiolex has also been linked to changes in appetite, vomiting, and nausea, as well as diarrhea. These negative effects are rare unless the dose consumed is very high, over 10 mg per Kg of body weight, which is approximately 750 mg for the average American.  These side effects rapidly disappear if the CBD dosage is lowered or stopped. 

Dry Mouth  

The use of CBD can trigger what is called “cotton mouth” by cannabis enthusiasts. Such a dry mouth reaction tends to be the result of CBD interactions with oral CB receptors known as submandibular glands. As a result, this activity appears to reduce the production of saliva. A lot of water before and after the use of CBD oil will help prevent this side reaction. 

Inhibition of Hepatic Drug Metabolism  

CBD may also inhibit the synthesis of hepatic drugs, which are responsible for the degradation of most prescription products. To be more specific, CBD momentarily neutralizes the enzyme cytochrome P-450. 

Blood Pressure  

Pure drops CBD Oil is known to slightly affect blood pressure at high doses. The major effects on blood pressure are with those individuals taking blood pressure medication, which is what is referred to as a drug-drug interaction.  CBD inhibits the metabolism of blood pressure medication which either causes specific medications to lose efficacy resulting in an elevation in blood pressure or can inhibit the liver from breaking down the prescription medication increasing its concentration in the blood.  The increase in concentration leads to the prescription medication causing a greater effect on lowering blood pressure which can lead to light-headedness, dizziness and potentially fainting, especially when standing from a sitting or prone position.   


In general, higher doses of CBD can often contribute to weakness or somnolence. As a result, doctors do not suggest consuming CBD before or during driving. 

When Applied to the Skin  

CBD is not risk-free when applied to the skin. There is currently no credible information to know whether there are any side effects when CBD is added to the skin. However, an allergic reaction may often take place. 

Benefits of CBD 

May Help with ADHD  

People with ADHD have difficulty concentrating on the different tasks at hand. They appear to have issues with attention and cognitive function. CBD has shown promise in encouraging concentration and supporting ADHD patients. 

May Help Fight Insomnia  

Do you have trouble getting to sleep right now? If so, then pure drops CBD Oil may be a potential solution to minimize insomnia or other sleeping problems you could encounter. This is due to the ability of CBD to help achieve a greater sense of calm. 

May Help with Achieving a Heightened Sense of Calm 

Several medical studies have shown that pure drops CBD Oil may alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression in individuals. Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD does not only affect military veterans. Even people who have undergone a psychiatric illness will also have a propensity to have a condition. In the linked study, CBD oil was been shown to have a positive effect on individuals with PTSD. In reality, CBD oil may help regulate the fight or the flight response, preventing it from overdriving. 

May Help with Discomfort 

Pure drops CBD Oil may help alleviate a wide range of symptoms, ranging from neuropathic pain caused by multiple sclerosis to physical pain caused by poor joint health. 

May Help Prevents Acne  

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD also help to minimize sebum development in the skin. Sebum, as has already been known, is a natural oil formed by the skin. When excessive quantities of sebum are formed, the effect is acne. 

Where to Buy CBD? 

If you are looking for the original and best quality CBD product, there are several platforms you can entirely rely on. They offer CO2 extracted, 100% natural, and non-GMO CBD products to every client – all you have to do is look for the right manufacturer. 

PANA Pet™ Guide: CBD Softgels for Dogs

Let’s face it—we can get a little crazy about our pets and now CBD Softgels for Dogs is easy. Whether it’s breaking the bank for that plush new cat bed or swinging by that overpriced pet boutique for those gourmet organic treats your dog drools overwe all go to crazy lengths sometimes to make our furry friends the happiest and most spoiled pet in town. But spoiling our pets is a far different form of affection than the kind that involves your pet’s health and easy with CBD Softgels for Dogs. 

Unfortunately, our pet’s face challenges in their life too. Emotional distress, physical discomfort…they deal with many issues not unlike those we face in our own lives. While serious illnesses and injury demand medical intervention, many pet owners seek other homeopathic options as an addition or alternative to their pet’s wellness regiment. One such option is cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD.  

What Is CBD? 

CBD is one of over 400 naturally occurring chemical compounds found in plants of the cannabis genus, and particularly in the hemp plantTo narrow it down, CBD Softgels for Dogs is one of over many CBD solutions. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is another famous (or infamous, rather) cannabinoid, often associated with the marijuana plant which is within the cannabis genus as well. While both cannabinoids can be found in both the marijuana and hemp plant, they naturally occur and significantly different levels. Marijuana is naturally high in THC and low in CBD Softgels for Dogs. Conversely, hemp is naturally low in THC and high in CBD. Moreover, the two cannabinoids have one major difference. THC is psychoactive, while CBD is not—but what does that mean? 

Our brains—and as it turns out, our pet’s brains—have an endocannabinoid system (ECS)This system is a complex network of communication containing endocannabinoid receptor cells, which are able to interact with cannabinoidand produce different effects. In particular, the ECS is believed to play a role in processes such as mood, sleep, appetite, and memory. Where the major difference between the two cannabinoids in question occurs depends on how exactly they interact with the ECS. Basically, THC binds strongly with the receptor cells, producing what is essentially an intoxication or “high.” CBD Softgels for Dogs, on the other hand, binds weakly with the receptor cells and does not product such an intoxication. The good news here is people and pets alike can benefit from CBD’s other worthwhile potential effects without getting high!  

What About CBD for Pets? 

There have been a multitude of potential benefits revealed in research and the everyday pet owner’s exploration of CBD. While research is limited, the findings have been promising and encouraging enough to pique the interest of even more researchers. Moreover, with a quick google search, you can find an overwhelming amount of personal accounts declaring the wonders that CBD has provided people and their pets 

Nervous disposition  

Emotional distress is not uncommon among animals. There are a multitude of causes and stressors examined in pets. For some animals, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a very real possibility, especially among adopted pets coming from an unknown and possibly troubling background. Animals may also demonstrate situational anxiety, such as a fear of thunderstorms and fireworks, car rides, vet visits and new places. Some animals simply exhibit general anxiety on a regular basis. While CBD is not proven to medically treat or cure anxiety, research suggests that it may aid in reducing feelings of anxiousness. With animals, this translates to a reduction in behaviors typically associated with distress. These behaviors include franticness, aggression, loss of appetite, and an increase or decrease in activity. 

Although research on animals is limited, a 2015 analysis of previous studies found CBD to be a promising treatment for multiple different types of anxiety, including PTSD, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder and social anxiety disorder. While more research needs to be done, preliminary findings and anecdotal evidence do suggest that CBD may reduce anxiety related behaviors in pets. This includes a possible relaxation effect, reduced regression and increase in appetite.  

Chronic Discomfort and Joint Health 

Another area in which research has produced promising findings is CBD’s possible anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can be responsible for many different aches and sores, and unfortunately, are pets are not immune to chronic discomfort. In one study, it was found that in cats over 12 years of age, 90% had signs of arthritis. It was also found that in an average lifetime, approximately 25% of dogs are diagnosed with arthritis. What’s incredible is that research has consistently demonstrated CBD’s potentially potent anti-inflammatory effects. In one study on rats with arthritis, researchers found that CBD effectively reduced pain related behaviors and inflammation. Based off existing research and what we know about our shared endocannabinoid systems, it’s not far-fetched to say that CBD may help reduce inflammation and discomfort for your pets as well. 


You might have heard of an Food and Drug Administration approved drug by the name of Epidiolex, used to treat seizures in rare forms of epilepsy. What you might not have heard is that Epidiolex was the first pure CBD-based drug to be approved by the FDA. Ample research has demonstrated CBD’s potential ability to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures in humans and rats. In one study’s clinical trials examined CBD’s ability to treat seizures in dogs, it was found that 89% of the dogs receiving CBD demonstrated a reduction in the frequency of seizures. Unfortunately, research on CBD’s efficacy in treating seizures in cats is limited. However, many pet owners report positive results, and based upon existing research, it’s an option worth exploring. 

Is CBD Safe for Pets? 

CBD was not legalized until the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, and therefore research on its long-term effects is essentially unknown. However, what we do know of CBD’s side effects is that they are minimal and relatively tame, especially compared to pharmaceutical medications. For pets, these side effects include lethargy, increased thirst, lowered blood pressure and lowered heart rate. As always, the smartest thing to do is to speak to a veterinarian before deciding to give you pet CBD. Be sure to use CBD that is completely THC free, as it is toxic to animals. After all, our pets deserve the best care, and that means being careful.  

CBD Effects: the good and the bad

There is good and bad to every product because like people, products aren’t perfect or made for specific individuals. This is why we here at Panacea Life Sciences want to give the best information possible to our customers and future customers. This article will explain the good and the bad effects that CBD (cannabidiol) may or may not produce. CBD is a compound that has been around for centuries but is just now taking up a large presence in the health and wellness community. There are many reasons that this is, and we will explain why in this post. At the end of this article, we hope that you have a better understanding of CBD and what it may do to help you overall. But, first, let’s start with definitions. 

CBD: the definition 

CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plants. The Cannabis sativa plant comes in a few different forms. The two you have likely heard of are the hemp and marijuana plants. These are both technically under the Cannabis sativa umbrella, but they are quite different from each other. The hemp plant contains high amounts of CBD and at or lower than 0.3% of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is a popular topic as it is the cannabinoid that is found to give users a ‘high’ and therefore has been and continues to be a topic of discussion. Because hemp does not contain high amounts of THC it was federally legalized in 2018 by the Farm Bill. This bill allows farmers across the states to grow and sell the hemp plant and therefore hemp derived products are legal. Some states have decided not to legalize the use of hemp and CBD, but most have. Marijuana, the other type of Cannabis sativa you have likely heard of, contains a high amount of THC, and is therefore not legalized throughout the U.S. However, there are a handful of different states that have decided to legalize the marijuana plant and THC for recreational as well as medical uses. Now that you know the definition of CBD, what does it do? The good? The bad? The neutral? Read on to find out.  

Good CBD effects 

To understand what CBD is capable of, we need to understand what people use CBD for. Here are a few reasons that we’ve found that people choose to use CBD. Keep in mind that there is still little research on CBD but there will surely be more in the future.  

Promote a sense of calm: Promoting a sense of calm in those who have feelings of anxiousness may be quite helpful to some. In this study, they used brain imaging to test subjects who have SAD (social anxiety disorder). Those who were given the CBD showed a decrease in their social anxiety disorder via brain scans. Those who did not receive the CBD did not have any decrease.  

FDA approved medications: There are several FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved medications that contain CBD. Epidiolex is the most well-known. This medication helps those with two severe types of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. There are also a handful of others that assist those going through anti-cancer treatments and the nausea it may cause. These are called Marinol (dronabinol), Syndros (dronabinol), and Cesamet (nabilone). These medications can only be prescribed by a healthcare professional.  

Anti-inflammatory properties: CBD has been researched for the possibility of joint health benefits. Panacea Life Sciences has done our own research regarding this aspect. We looked at dogs who are older and have joint health issues. During this study, we asked pet owners to administer CBD to their dogs two times a day for four consecutive weeks. The owners provided weekly assessments to show if anything had improved. At the end of the four weeks pet owners described their dogs to be more mobile. Therefore, the CBD may have helped with their joint health!   

Skin health: Although CBD topicals usually never reach the bloodstream this does not mean that they cannot assist in skin health. In this study they concluded that those with and without skin conditions had improved skin health after the use of CBD topicals. They used several tests to test before and after the use of a CBD topical. Their evidence was enhanced by photographic evidence.  

Bad CBD effects 

There is no perfect product and therefore each product made may or may not work for you. So, you may experience a few negative effects or maybe you won’t. Like every product, you must try it to see if it works for you. Here are a few negative effects that people have experienced when taking very large doses of CBD 

There also may be effects if you are currently taking a blood thinner. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional before using CBD to ensure that it won’t cause negative effects with other medications you are taking.  

To ensure that you have a positive experience with CBD, we suggest starting with a small amount of CBD and slowly increasing the amount until you feel the effects you’re looking for.   

CBD: the products 

There are many different CBD products available for you to choose from. Here is a list of some popular ones you may way to try:  

Softgels: A softgel is a capsule that contains CBD oil and looks similar to a pill or vitamin supplement. Once the capsule is swallowed it goes through esophagus and then ends up in the stomach. Once there the CBD is absorbed as the capsule is broken down. The CBD is then absorbed through the digestive tract and enters the blood stream.   This is an easy way to get CBD into your system daily and is easy to take along with other pills you may take. 

Edibles: Edibles come in all sorts of different types. Gummies, cookies and even chocolate any treat that you can think of, there is probably one full of CBD. These are fun and yummy ways to get CBD into your daily routine. Edibles are absorbed the same way a softgel capsule is.  

Tinctures: This type of CBD gets into the bloodstream quickly similar to vapes but without inhalation. When the dropper full of CBD is placed in the mouth it’s absorbed into the bloodstream through the surface of the cheek or veins on the underside of the tongue. A tincture is a substance that is added to carrier oil like coconut or avocado oil. Some tinctures come flavored to mask the earthy Hemp taste that some don’t particularly enjoy. People often add tinctures to their morning coffee or tea!  

Topicals: CBD topicals are a bit different than the others as they usually don’t ever reach the bloodstream. With that being said, you may be able to reap benefits from the pores of the skin like other skincare products. These are best used frequently and in the same area as the face or a patch of skin. They come in lotions, creams, salves and even hand sanitizer for antibacterial purposes. 

Whichever product you choose we hope that you end up having a positive experience with CBD that leaves you coming back for more. Again, start with a small amount and slowly increase so that the effects you’re feeling will be as positive as possible.   

How are the side effects of CBD oil in dog?

Want to get on board the cannabidiol (CBD) pet wellness train but aren’t sure how the side effects of CBD oil in dog? Read on below to find out.   

What is CBD?  

CBD is a naturally occurring substance found in the cannabis plant. It is non-psychoactive in the sense that it doesn’t get you or your dog high and doesn’t cause the feeling of intoxication. 

How does CBD affect dogs?  

This formal study looks at the effects of CBD in dogs. Others look at the CBD’s effects on other animals or humans, and we draw conclusions from those studies about what could work for dogs and how CBD may affect dogs. What we do know for sure is that CBD interacts with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which is responsible for maintaining homeostasis, meaning bringing physiological systems into balance. Here are a few ways in which CBD may affect dogs: 

It may relieve inflammation issues 

The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD are well-known. These anti-inflammatory properties of CBD result due to its interaction with the receptors in the immune cells. The receptor CBD interacts with is called CB2 (cannabinoid 2 receptor), which helps regulate different types of immune responses, including anti-inflammatory ones.   

European Journal of Pharmacology study suggests that the ECS plays an integral role in inflammation management, and as mentioned beforeCBD interacts with the ECS and increases the efficiency of the cell-signaling system. Another study suggests that CBD temporarily augmments the function of anandamide, a endo-cannabinoid (cannabinoid naturally made in the body), that suppresses the pain signals. Increased anandamide levels lead to a reduced feeling of pain. CBD is also considered to have anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce inflammatory pain, common in diseases like arthritis.   

It may work as an anticonvulsant   

Using CBD as an anticonvulsant is perhaps the most researched area in cannabis research. CBD and other cannabinoids of the cannabis plant are considered to be effective for reducing seizures, spasms, tremors, and ticks. In fact, that’s the only FDA-approved use of a CBD based drug named Epidiolex. Studies suggest that CBD may be effective for reducing epileptic seizures and for reducing muscle spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis (MS). Another study suggests that CBD may be able to help manage tics and tremors caused due to Tourette’s syndrome.  

It may provide a sense of calm 

CBD may be effective for relieving anxiety and stress, both of which are common in dogs. Research suggests that CBD interacts with a serotonin receptor called 5-HT1A and increases the level of serotonin in the brain through a separate mechanism, which leads to reduced feelings of anxiety and stress.  

It may prevent nausea and vomiting  

Data suggest that CBD may be effective for treating nausea and vomiting. Both can occur due to multiple reasons and, if left untreated, may lead to serious health complications, including dehydration, appetite and weight loss, fatigue, lethargy, etc. CBD may reduce nausea and vomiting the same way it reduces anxiousness, by interacting with the 5-HT1A receptor.   

Possible side effects of CBD for dogs  

As mentioned earlier, there isn’t much  scientific data about using CBD for dogs. The possible side effects that your dogs may experience are based on the negative effects of CBD that only a few users experience. The World Health Organization says that CBD is safe for humans and generally doesn’t cause any side effects. The side effects usually occur when a person is using a low-quality CBD product, over-consuming it, or have a sensitivity to CBD.  

In order to avoid the side effects of CBD, make sure that you properly dose the CBD you are giving to your dog. Start with a low dose and increase it gradually if necessary. Keep a watch on your dog to see if they are acting differently.  

Choosing a CBD product for your dog  

There are many different CBD products available in the market, both good and bad, because the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate CBD. Some of those products are good for your dogs, while others can cause serious damage. So how do you make sure that you are choosing the right CBD product?   

For starters, you can check if a product is tested by an independent lab and has a certificate of analysis. This information is usually available on the company’s website and on the product as well. These certificates tell you if the product is the same as it is advertised if it contains any harmful elements like heavy metals or pesticides. They also tell you that the product is of the same quality as it is being advertised. Watch out for products containing higher levels of THC, because The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) considers THC to be a toxic substance for both cats and dogs. The lethal dose of THC is around 3 g/kg; however, negative side effects may occur even if your dog consumes a small dose of THC.   

The best way to give CBD to your dogs  

There are several ways of adding CBD to your dog’s diet. You can buy CBD dog treats from the market and give them to your dog when they do a good boy deed. Not every time, though, because you may end up giving too much CBD to your dog. CBD oil is the other option; it contains a carrier oil, usually hemp or coconut, which our dogs love. You can put a few drops of CBD oil on a spoon and let your dog lick it. You can apply a few drops of CBD on their gums. You can add a few drops of CBD oil in their food, or you can use CBD oil to make dog treats for your dog. Whichever method you choose, properly dose the CBD, and keep an eye out for any negative side effects.   

The legality of CBD   

The legality of CBD for humans is an entirely different matter that at of dogs and animals. Hemp-derived CBD containing up to 0.3% THC is legal in most of the 50 states of the United States. The legality of other forms of CBD is a bit more complicated. Few states allow both medicinal and recreational use of CBD, and you don’t need a prescription to buy a CBD product. Some states allow you to buy CBD products if you have a prescription from a certified healthcare professional. Other states don’t allow both recreational and medicinal use of CBD, even if you have a prescription.   


Before choosing any CBD product, be sure to consult a veterinarian to see if CBD is the right choice for your dog and check your state laws about CBD use. Don’t buy low-quality, cheap CBD products because they may contain harmful elements that can damage your dog’s health. If the veterinarian and the state give you the green light to use CBD for your dog, then make sure to dose it properly. Start with a low dose and increase the dosage weekly or bi-weekly if you think it is necessary. Follow all these steps, and hopefully, you and your dog may benefit from CBD use.   

Is THC for Pets toxic?

Is THC for Pets toxic? Cannabidiol (CBD) has been making its way onto shelves everywhere it seems, and with its highly welcomed arrival has come an influx of claims regarding its possible benefits, many of which having to do with the possible benefits CBD may offer your furry friends. Whether your furry friend is of the feline or canine variety, research seems to keep throwing promising findings our (and their) way. 

Now, anyone who’s anyone knows, at Panacea Life Sciences, we deal strictly in hemp. But, as with any good company in the cannabis industry, we like to cover our bases. Many people are currently wondering: Is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) safe for pets? 

While we at Panacea Life Sciences remain firm in our commitment to offering only the highest quality CBD products, we still believe it worthwhile to address this important question and offer our two cents and provide a hearty explanation of why it is exactly that we choose to remain pure CBD. 


CBD is a naturally occurring chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. More specifically, it is one of over 480 currently identified substances found in the plant, and among those compounds, just one of over 113 cannabinoids. Another main cannabinoid derived from cannabis that you’ve probably already heard of is THC. The controversial history and legality behind THC explain why CBD had been out of the spotlight and off the shelves for so long. It wasn’t until the 2018 Farm Bill that CBD’s was granted independence from THC and given the opportunity to make a name for itself outside of THC’s shadow. 

What allowed this passing boiled down one key distinction between the two: THC is psychoactive, but CBD is not. Because of the different way in which these two cannabinoids interact with receptors in our brain, one (THC) results in feelings of euphoria, or the “high” associated with it and its as-previously-stated controversial past, while the other (CBD) does not allow for such an intoxication to take place. In fact, it can even disrupt THC’s influence and dull its resulting high.  

Is THC Toxic for Pets? 

To put it simply, yes, but in the same way that THC is toxic for humans. You see, the aforementioned “intoxication” induced by ingesting THC is going to happen when your pet ingests it as well. As with any intoxication, the severity or possible danger of it depends heavily on dosage, and as with any drug, there exists a therapeutic window of where the drug being ingested can lead to benefits and where it can lead to toxicity.  

The lethal dose of THC is relatively high and unlikely to be reached or even approached by human or animal, especially when a pet owner is carefully monitoring and administering the appropriate doses. The majority of instances of animals ingesting significantly large doses of THC occurs when they accidentally get into a human’s supply (namely appetizing edibles like baked goodsand proceed to consume the entire stash, whereas a human would have, for instance, consumed only one or two. If a pet owner is extremely careful and conscientious, the risk of dosing your pet to the point of irreversible discomfort, injury or fatality is highly unlikely. That being said, the risk of your pet experiencing a “high” is a likely guarantee, and since we cannot exactly know what’s going on in our pet’s brain, neither can we know exactly how THC makes them feel. The concern here is that the unfamiliar effects of THC could cause them stress. In a more philosophical sense, you are essentially intoxicating your pet without their informed consent or explicit understanding of what they are entering into. 

Weighing the Benefits & Risks   

Since there are a number of studies floating around claiming certain medical benefits of THC for animals, the choice of whether or not to give it to your pet lies largely on the respective benefits versus risks. That is to say, if your pet had a serious medical condition that could possibly be treated with THC, it might be a viable option to consider in the face of other risks. On the other hand, if your pet does not have a serious medical condition, or the relevant research leaves you skeptical or decidedly unconvinced, it probably isn’t worth the risks. Even if you’re confident the levels of THC are within the therapeutic window and safe in the technical sense, you may not be comfortable with the idea of possibly intoxicating your pet or causing them discomforting, unfamiliar feelings  

Better yet, rather than make this important decision all on your own, consult with a veterinarian. Whatever concern you may be seeking to address, there are undoubtedly other options and approaches besides THC. Your veterinarian can provide further information on all of the possible options available to you and your furry friend, as well as a professional opinion on THC as an alternative or supplemental treatment.  

Our Stance 

At Panacea Life Sciences, we are strictly CBD. While THC undoubtedly has its possible benefits for humans and animals alike, we prefer to focus our energy on exploring those of the beautiful cannabinoid that is CBD in order to offer the safest, highest quality products to our wonderful customers and their pets.  

While many CBD products found at other companies contain small doses of THC that are well within the therapeutic window, we find it reassuring to know our pet products do not and therefore cannot intoxicate your pets. Think about it this way, we simply cannot know what is going on in our pets’ head (as much as we sometimes wish we could). We therefore cannot know whether or not they’re intoxicated nor how they may be experiencing that potential intoxicationBasically, whether or not your pet is enjoying themselves is a mystery 

We prefer to live in the knowand here is what we know for sure: your pet, with their undoubtedly excellent ownership and life of unconditional love, belly rubs and treats…well, chances are they’re already having a pretty good time. We don’t want to mess with that pure, untarnished happiness and satisfaction. That’s why our products are a reliable choice for those looking to test out the benefits of CBD without the associated risks of THC.  

To put it simply, your dog probably doesn’t feel the need to get high, so we don’t want to get them high either! 

CBD vs CBG: Which is better?

If you are at all interested in the world of cannabis, you have probably run into a few terms like cannabidiol (CBD) or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). But have you heard of cannabigerol (CBG)? It is a compound found in cannabis, like CBD and THC, that has recently been making waves in the cannabis world. Because their names and acronyms are so similar many people are left wondering what the differences are between CBD and CBG. They may even wonder if CBG may be better than CBD. Because we here at Panacea Life Sciences are dedicated to educating our customers, we thought we would address these questions. 

So, which is better? 

Starting with the familiar: What is CBD? 

Let’s start with the part that you are probably a bit more familiar: a definition of CBD. 

CBD is part of a large group of chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. These compounds are found in a large variety in cannabis plants, including hemp and marijuana. Cannabinoids are the reason that people may experience particular effects or benefits from cannabis plants. This is because they interact with series of receptors known as the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Some cannabinoids, like THC, bind strongly with the receptors, creating an inebriating effect often referred to as a high. Other cannabinoids interact weakly with the receptors, and potentially provide certain benefits to the users. CBD is part of this group of cannabinoids. 

But what kind of benefits could CBD provide? The research on that is still ongoing, but the results that we have seen so far have been exciting and encouraging. For example, some studies have been looking at how CBD may be able to provide a boost to joint health, making movement easier. Other studies have focused on CBD’s apparent calming effects and have found that it may be able to provide those with a nervous disposition a greater feeling of calm. There have been several studies looking CBD’s effect on epileptic seizures. These results have been so impressive that they have led to the development and approval of the CBD based epilepsy medication, Epidiolex. 

As mentioned, these studies are still rather new, but as you can see, they have provided some impressive results. There will likely be more studies that will provide us with a better understanding of the sort of benefits CBD may have to offer. For now, though, we can see that there are many potential reasons to use the cannabinoid. 

Moving into the unknown: What is CBG? 

Now, let’s dig into something new: CBG. 

Much like CBD, CBG is a cannabinoid. It is found in hemp and marijuana, but not nearly at the levels of CBD or THC. Also, much like CBD, CBG does not appear to have the psychoactive effects that THC has. It does not seem to cause any sort of intoxication or high. Again, like CBD, studies surrounding CBG would suggest that it may offer some health benefits to the users. Let’s talk about some of these studies.  

In 2008, a review of several studies was published. The focus of the review was on studies that had looked at the effects of cannabinoids on glaucoma. The authors of the review concluded that many cannabinoids could be beneficial in the fight against glaucoma. One cannabinoid in particular stood out. That cannabinoid was CBG. 

Another study that was published in 2013 wanted to see how CBG would interact with inflammatory bowel disease. The researchers induced mice with colitis and measured how bad their intestinal inflammation got. Then they gave some mice CBG, while others were used as a control. After a little while, the researchers measured the inflammation levels again. Those that were give CBG had a significant drop in their inflammation levels. 

These two studies are some of the few out there that are focused on CBG. Unfortunately, CBG has not been as popular of a study subject as some of the other cannabinoids. As a result, we still do not fully understand this cannabinoid. Until we have more research, it will be hard to say what exactly it may do. 

Now for the big question: Which is better? 

When it really comes down to it, we do not know enough about CBG to say definitively if it is better than CBD or not. Until there is more research done on the cannabinoid, we just will not know what CBG has to offer and what potential drawbacks it may have. 

In the meantime, you will quickly find that there are more CBD products out there than CBG. This is because, while CBD is in abundance in the hemp variety of cannabis, CBG is in low concentrations in all cannabis plants, no matter the strain. Many cannabis breeders are working on crossbreeding a strain of cannabis that would have high levels of CBG, but that is still in the works.  

So, which is better. For now, we would say CBD, but that is only because we understand it better and it is easier to find. If you do find a CBG product that you would like to try, then we would advise caution. Not only do we not yet fully understand the potential negative effects of CBG, that part of the cannabis industry is not very well watched. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has started setting up regulations for CBD, but not yet for CBG specifically. There are some for cannabis that may affect the production of a CBG product, but that is about it. 

Until we can learn more about CBG, there are plenty of CBD products out there for you to try. We here at Panacea Life Sciences carry a wide range of high-quality CBD products. All of our products are made using locally sourced, organically grown hemp. We carefully adhere to all FDA regulations and some of our own to ensure that you are getting the best CBD products possible. If you are ready to give some CBD a shot, then check out our shop page. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns that need addressing you can visit our contact page or email us at [email protected] 

CBD Edibles: How do they work?

There are so many new fads now-a-days, so it is likely that you have heard of cannabidiol (CBD) edibles or CBD candies. It is also likely that you may not understand what they are. Sure, you’ve known what treats and candies are since you were a child, but what about CBD? There are many misconceptions regarding CBD and the plants it is found in. This article will attempt to give our readers the knowledge they need to understand CBD and why it is even found in an edible form! Continue on to learn about CBD, edibles, and everything in between. 

CBD: what is it?  

CBD is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in Cannabis sativa plants. This particular cannabinoid is making its way to the top of many health and wellness lists. Why is this? CBD is a naturally found in Cannabis sativa plants (hemp and marijuana) and has been (and is currently being) researched for a number of different potential health reasons. As of 2018, because of the Farm Bill, CBD derived from the hemp plant is federally legal in the United States. This is because the hemp plant contains high amounts of CBD and at or lower than 0.3% of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).  

THC is most likely the cannabinoid that you have heard of. THC is the component in Cannabis sativa plants that causes a ‘high’ or inebriating effect. The very low percentage of THC found in the hemp plant is the reason it is federally legal. The marijuana plant, however, is not federally legal although it has been legalized in a handful of states. In these states, marijuana is legal for recreational use, medical use, or both purposes. Although hemp is federally legal, it may not be legal in your state. So, make sure you understand the laws your state has put into place before purchasing CBD products.  

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding CBD is that it will cause a ‘high’ as THC does. This is not the case, but CBD may have some interesting wellness benefits you may be interested in.  

Edibles + CBD 

How did the two very different products get together? Well they are not so different if you think about it. Edibles have been made into all sorts of things. Gummy vitamins, gummy candy that is found in all shapes and sizes, cookies, brownies, and all sorts of different ingestible. Edibles are a great vessel to get copious amounts of sugar or even CBD into your system! CBD edibles are a great way to get the same amount of CBD into your bloodstream each time. It takes a bit longer for the CBD to take effect in an edible, but the benefits generally last a bit longer than other methods. Pop an edible in your mouth in the morning or the evening, depending on the reason you have decided to use CBD edibles 

Here at Panacea Life Sciences, we offer CBD Cherry Bomb Gummies. Most gummies on the market are not for all dietary plans. This is why we have made our gummies with all vegan ingredients so that everyone has the option to try these yummy CBD gummies a try. Each gummy has 20mg of CBD and is, obviously, cherry flavored. These are easily packable so that you can use them on-the-go. Our gummies are THC free. Perhaps gummy candy isn’t your thing, there are many different products available for you too.  

Other CBD Products 

There are many different products that contain CBD that may be better for you over edibles. Here is a list of some popular products on the market today:  

Tinctures:  This type of CBD gets into the bloodstream quickly similar to vapes but without inhalation. When the dropper full of CBD is placed in the mouth it’s absorbed into the bloodstream from the pores there. A tincture is a substance that is added to carrier oil like coconut or avocado oil. Some tinctures come flavored to mask the earthy Hemp taste that some don’t particularly enjoy.  

Vape: Vaping CBD is one of the quickest ways to get CBD into your system. This way of using CBD has a high rate of absorption as it directly enters the bloodstream via inhalation. Because the CBD gets right into your bloodstream, you feel the effects the quickest. This option of using CBD can only be done by those who are old enough to purchase vapes. And like most inhaling products may cause lung damage. We at Panacea Life Sciences do not advocate for the use of CBD vapes.  

Softgels: A softgel is a capsule that contains CBD oil and looks similar to a pill or vitamin supplement. Once the capsule is swallowed it goes through the digestive tract and then ends up in the stomach. Once there the CBD is absorbed as the capsule is broken down. The stomach lining absorbs the CBD and enters the bloodstream. This is an easy way to get CBD into your system daily and is easy to take along with other pills you may take. 

Topicals: CBD topicals are a bit different than the others as they don’t ever reach the bloodstream. With that being said, you may be able to reap benefits from the surface of the skin like other skincare products. These are best used frequently and in the same area as the face or a patch of skin. They come in lotions, creams, salves and even hand sanitizer for antibacterial purposes.   

With so many different CBD products it may be difficult to know which is best for you. That is why we suggest trying out different products before settling on one. It’s important to speak with a healthcare professional before taking CBD. We always recommend starting with a small amount and then slowly increasing it until you feel the effects that you are wanting. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, at [email protected].